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Yad Vashem

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Yad Vashem

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HQ Location Israel , Jerusalem District, Jerusalem
Yad Vashem Har Hazikaron Jerusalem, 91034 Israel
Coordinates 32.******° N, 35.******° E
Last Update 2021-08-03
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As the Jewish people’s living memorial to the Holocaust, Yad Vashem safeguards the memory of the past and imparts its meaning for future generations. Established in 1953, as the world center for documentation, research, education and commemoration of the Holocaust, Yad Vashem is today a dynamic and vital place of intergenerational and international encounter. For over half a century, Yad Vashem has been committed to four pillars of remembrance: Commemoration: Yad Vashem is dedicated to commemorating the six million Jews murdered by the Germans and their collaborators, as well as the numerous Jewish communities destroyed during the Shoah, so that they will have an eternal remembrance. Documentation: The Yad Vashem Archives house the largest collection of Holocaust documentation in the world. The 125 million pages of documentary evidence, films, and 420,000 photographs, as well as more than 100,000 survivor testimonies stand as indisputable proof of the genocide and crimes against humanity perpetrate

Museums, Art Galleries and Cultural Exhibitions

The Museums and Galleries industry consists of establishments that collect artifacts or artwork to preserve them for public viewing. It also includes art galleries which are used to display works of art for sale or exhibition.

Career Opportunities at Yad Vashem

Employees of 'Yad Vashem'

Business development at Yad Vashem

2 Business Development at Yad Vashem

Accounting at Yad Vashem

1 Accounting at Yad Vashem

Details of Yad Vashem

Founded in
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Museums, Art Galleries and Cultural Exhibitions
Company Type
Enterprise Size
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Israel, Jerusalem District, Jerusalem

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