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Ali Uzun

Freudenberg Sealing Technologies şirketinde Process and Tool Engineering Leader at Freudenberg Sealing Technologies
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Ali Uzun's Contact Information

Email (work) ********
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Company Freudenberg Sealing Technologies
Residence Turkey, Bursa, Bursa
Last updated 2024-03-26
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Engineering Managers oversee engineering projects from conception to completion, providing technical support, managing resources and making sure projects stay on track.
Other job titles include Project Engineer, Technical Manager and Operations Engineer.
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Ali Uzun's current details

Current Title
Freudenberg Sealing Technologies şirketinde Process and Tool Engineering Leader
Type of Role
Engineering Manager
 just 0.1% from Turkey work as a Engineering Manager
Job functions
Engineering, Information Technology and Operations
Job Seniority
Lower Management
  9% from Turkey are employed in Lower Management
Current Industry
Vehicle Manufacensore dce nsoredce nsoredcen
Turkey, Bursa, Bursa
Experience (tracked since 2013)
▪ ce nsore experience at Freudenberg Sealing Technologies
▪ c ensore experience as Freudenberg Sealing Technologies şirketinde Process and Tool Engineering Leader
Work-life tracked since 2013
Ali Uzun had a total of X different roles since 2013
Skills & Expertise
▪ Acensor
▪ Ccen soredcenso
    4 more skills ...
Hobbies & Interests
▪ Automotive Industry.
▪ Prcensoredce nsoredcensore
▪ Turcens ore dcens oredcen sor edce nsoredcens

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Company "Freudenberg Sealing Technologies"

Company size
censo redcens
Linkedin Profile tsor
Industrial Field
Vehicle Manufacturing and Mobility Solutions
United States, Michigan, Plymouth
Full Company Profile
Freudenberg Sealing Technologies

Ali Uzun's Work History
data available since 2013

  • 2023 (6 months)
    Freudenberg Sealing Technologies
    Freudenberg Sealing Technologies şirketinde Process and Tool Engineering Leader
    Vehicle Manufacturing and Mobility Solutions
    Freudenberg Sealing Technologies
  • 20XX (6 censor)
    Fcensoredce nsoredc ensoredcenso
    Pcensor edc enso redcensored censor tsor
  • 20XX (6 censor)
    Fcensoredce nsoredc ensoredcenso
    Fcensoredce nsoredc ensoredcenso redcensore dcensor edc enso redcensored censor tsor
  • 20XX (3+ censo)
    Fcensoredce nsoredc ensoredcenso
    Fcensoredce nsoredc ensoredcenso redcensore dcensor edcensor tsor
  • 20XX (3+ censo)
    Fcensoredce nsoredc ensoredcenso
    Pcensor edcensor tsor
  • 20XX (3+ censo)
    Fcensoredce nsoredc ensoredcenso
    Fcensoredce nsoredc ensoredcenso redcensore dcensor edcensor
    Vcensor edcensoredcen sor edcensor edcensore tsor
  • 20XX (3+ censo)
    Fcensoredce nsoredc ensoredcenso
    Fcensoredce nsoredc ensoredcenso redcensore dcensor edcensor
    Mcensoredc ensoredcens ore dcensore dcensoredcens tsor
  • 20XX (a fce nsored)
    Jcensore dcens oredcensore
    Rce nsoredce
    Mcensoredc ensoredcens ore dcensore dcensoredcens
  • 20XX (1+ censo)
    Ocensor edcen soredc en soredce nsored censore
    Mcensoredcens oredcens
    Mcensoredc ensoredcens ore dcensore dcensoredcens y-asor
  • 20XX (a fce nsored)
    Ecenso redcen so
    Mcensoredc ensoredcens ore dcensore dcensoredcens
  • 20XX (a fce nsored)
    Acensor edcensore dc ensore dcen sor edce
    Mcensoredc ensoredcens ore dcensore dcensoredcens akine-san.-sor
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Ali Uzun's Professional Experience

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Ali Uzun's Education

  • 20XX - 20XX - Gazi Ünivcensored
    Thesis Subject: Desice ns oredcensoredcensor edcen sored censo redcens ored censore dcensoredcen ersitsor
  • 20XX - 20XX - Technicen soredcenso r edcenso
    Erascens oredcen soredcens oredcensor edc ensoredcen sor edcenso
  • 20XX - 20XX - Ercicen soredcensore
    Bcensoredc ensored censoredce nsoredcensor edce n sore
  • 20XX - 20XX - Ankara Ycensoredce nsored cens oredce
    Lcens ore dcensoredc enso r edc
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Frequently asked questions

What company does Ali Uzun work for?
Ali Uzun is working for Freudenberg Sealing Technologies
What is Ali Uzun's title at Freudenberg Sealing Technologies?
Ali's title is , Freudenberg Sealing Technologies şirketinde Process and Tool Engineering Leader
What is Ali Uzun's Seniority at Freudenberg Sealing Technologies?
Ali Uzun has been with Freudenberg Sealing Technologies for 3+ years and is in Lower Management
For how long is Ali Uzun working as a Freudenberg Sealing Technologies şirketinde Process and Tool Engineering Leader?
Ali Uzun has 6 months experience as Freudenberg Sealing Technologies şirketinde Process and Tool Engineering Leader.
What are Ali Uzun's functions as a Freudenberg Sealing Technologies şirketinde Process and Tool Engineering Leader ?
Ali Uzun is responsible for Engineering, Operations, censoredcen soredcenso
What is Ali Uzun's email contact?
Ali Uzun's email address is ********
Which education does Ali Uzun have?
Ali Uzun has a Bachelor degree from Gcen soredcensore.
Who are similar contacts like Ali Uzun ?
Some similar contacts are Ole W., Volkan Yapar, Tolga Divarcı, Veysi Sesli, Veysi Aslan and Salih Yetim.

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