Contact directory profile

Kevin Duchesne

Fiscaliste at Dufour Leblanc Comptables Professionnels Agréés
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Kevin Duchesne's Contact Information

Email (work) *********
LinkedIn URL pa-cga-5sor
Tel. (Company) +1 418-681-XXXX
Company Dufour Leblanc Comptables Professionnels Agréés
Residence Canada, Quebec, Québec City
Last updated 2019-03-02
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Jurisprudents (Prosecutors) work to protect public safety by representing the government in criminal proceedings. They review evidence, prepare cases, present arguments in court, and recommend sentences for convicted criminals.
Other job titles include Judge, Notary, Officer, Court Reporter and Trustee.
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Career Opportunities at Dufour Leblanc Comptables Professionnels Agréés

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Kevin Duchesne's current details

Current Title
Type of Role
Job functions
Job Seniority
Non Management
  76% from Canada are employed in Non Management
Current Industry
Bookkeeping and Accounting censored cen soredcens ore dcensoredce nso redcenso redcens
Canada, Quebec, Québec City
Experience (tracked since 2018)
▪ c ensore experience at Dufour Leblanc Comptables Professionnels Agréés
▪ ce nsore experience as Fiscaliste
LinkedIn profile pa-cga-5sor

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Company "Dufour Leblanc Comptables Professionnels Agréés"

Company size
censo redcens
Year Founded
Linkedin Profile s-professionnsor
Industrial Field
Bookkeeping and Accounting Services
Canada, Québec, Québec

Kevin Duchesne's Work History
data available since 2018

  • 2018 (6 months)
    Dufour Leblanc Comptables Professionnels Agréés
    Bookkeeping and Accounting Services
    Dufour Leblanc Comptables Professionnels Agrééséés
  • 20XX (1+ censo)
    Dcensore dcensore dcen
    Dcensored censored censoredc
    Bcensoredce nso redcensore dcensore deau-cpsor
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Kevin Duchesne's Professional Experience

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Frequently asked questions

What company does Kevin Duchesne work for?
Kevin Duchesne is working for Dufour Leblanc Comptables Professionnels Agréés
What is Kevin Duchesne's title at Dufour Leblanc Comptables Professionnels Agréés?
Kevin's title is , Fiscaliste
What is Kevin Duchesne's Seniority at Dufour Leblanc Comptables Professionnels Agréés?
Kevin Duchesne has been with Dufour Leblanc Comptables Professionnels Agréés for 6 months and is a normal employee
For how long is Kevin Duchesne working as a Fiscaliste?
Kevin Duchesne has 1+ years experience as Fiscaliste.
What are Kevin Duchesne's functions as a Fiscaliste ?
Kevin Duchesne is responsible for Legce
What is Kevin Duchesne's company phone number?
Kevin Duchesne's company phone number is +1 418-681-****
What is Kevin Duchesne's email contact?
Kevin Duchesne's email address is *********
Who are similar contacts like Kevin Duchesne ?
Some similar contacts are Lise Cantin, Dominique Paradis, Marilyn Plante, Paul Jean, Marie-chantal Lambert and Hugo Tremblay.

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