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Jordan, Amman Governorate, Amman Last updated2024-08-11 Remove my information
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Marketing Managers oversee advertising and promotion of businesses, products and brands, ensuring that they remain on budget, on brand, and effectively reach the chosen demographic. Another popular job title for Marketing Managers is Advertising and Promotions Manager. Strengthen your marketing campaign and create a compelling sales strategy with our comprehensive database full of professional Marketing Managers.
20XX - 20XX - Arab Academy for Science, Techcensoredcensoredcensoredce Marketing
20XX - 20XX - Arab Academy censoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredc Mcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcenso
20XX - 20XX - Ain censoredcensore Dcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcen
20XX - 20XX - Ain censoredcensore Bcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredce
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Frequently asked questions
What company does Mohamed Fayez work for? Mohamed Fayez is working for Axantia
What is Mohamed Fayez's title at Axantia? Mohamed's title is , Marketing Manager
What is Mohamed Fayez's Seniority at Axantia? Mohamed Fayez has been with Axantia for 6 months and is in Lower Management
For how long is Mohamed Fayez working as a Marketing Manager? Mohamed Fayez has 6 months experience as Marketing Manager.
What are Mohamed Fayez's functions as a Marketing Manager ? Mohamed Fayez is responsible for Marketing, Salcensoredcenso
What is Mohamed Fayez's email contact? Mohamed Fayez's email address is *************
Which education does Mohamed Fayez have? Mohamed Fayez has a Phd degree from Acensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcen.
Who are similar contacts like Mohamed Fayez ? Some similar contacts are Rawan Abdallah, Ghaith Alqasem, Joumana Al-ayed, Khamis Al-shatel, Ghaith Amaireh and Ghalia Twal.
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