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Aldwyck Housing Group Ltd.

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Aldwyck Housing Group Ltd.

Office phone +44 1438 35****
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HQ Location United Kingdom , England, Stevenage
Arthur Gibbons Court, 1a Jessop Rd, Stevenage SG1 5NU, United Kingdom
Coordinates 52.******° N, 0.******° E
Last Update 2023-08-06
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Aldwyck has a long track record of delivering affordable homes to rent or buy and providing supported housing and care services to our customers in communities across the south east and east of England. Our vision for the future is one in which people can and will exercise greater choice over where they live and the services they can access and that they will want to live in attractive, sustainable neighbourhoods. We aim: • to provide great customer service • to grow and diversify our business • to be financially viable so that we can protect our social values Within Aldwyck Housing Group is Lea Valley Homes and Connect Property Services.

Non-Profit Organization Management

The NPO Management industry consists of non-profit organizations (NPOs) which rely on donations for their operational funds. NPOs may exist to provide assistance in areas such as healthcare, education or social welfare initiatives.

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Details of Aldwyck Housing Group

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Non-Profit Organization Management
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United Kingdom, England, Stevenage

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