Karolidis & Co Lawyers
Office phone +61 3 9942 ****
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Homepage http://www.karolidis.com.au
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HQ Location
Australia , Victoria, Glenroy3/785 Pascoe Vale Rd, Glenroy VIC 3046, Australia
Why spend time and money with an accountant and a lawyer when you can see both at the same time! Our principal is both an experienced lawyer & tax agent - meaning we can cost-effectively assist you with accounting as well as the legal advice and documentation.
Our meeting times are flexible - including evening and weekends. We are also happy to discuss online via skype or email and can meet you at your office or workplace
We are more than just lawyers and accountants – Nick runs a successful online crowdfunding platform, advising individuals and organisations on a day-to-day basis.
Legal Services and Regulatory Compliance
The Legal Services industry provides legal assistance to individuals or companies who are involved in civil or criminal proceedings . Companies specializing in legal services typically provide advice on matters related to contract law, family law or intellectual property rights .
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