S5 Consulting A.S.
Homepage http://www.s5consulting.no
LinkedIn Profile https://linkedin.com/company/s***co***
HQ Location
Norway , Akershus, LysakerStrandveien 10 Lysaker, 1366 Norway
S5 offers the very best SAP services and the newest SAP solutions together with its partners. S5 gives you new experiences in how to implement and use SAP solutions. The company, and its partners, has people with many years of experiences with SAP and in the SAP community.
Some of our keynotes:
- Local knowledge/understanding the customer together with well-known partners
- Local consultants for customers in both projects and AMS
- Success stories/references
- Experienced consultants with relevant knowledge
- ”One-stop-shopping” for customers
- Templates & solutions for several businesses
- Rapid implementations for cost effective projects
For more infomation about S5 Consulting AS, please contact CEO Sveinung Gehrken at phone +47 47318037 or one of our other employees.
Information Technology Solutions
The Information Technology industry encompasses companies that specialize in the application of computing technologies, as well as software development, IT consulting, online services, web hosting and more.
Career Opportunities at S5 Consulting A.S.
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Employees of 'S5 Consulting A.S.'
Decision makers at S5 Consulting
1 Decision Makers at S5 Consulting
Purchasing & operations at S5 Consulting
1 Purchasing & Operations at S5 Consulting
Information technology at S5 Consulting
17 Information Technology at S5 Consulting
Details of S5 Consulting
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