Scouting4peace Foundation Int
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HQ Location
Egypt , Cairo Governorate, Maadi7 Al Mohandsien Towers – Cornish El Neil – Maadi Maadi, Cairo 11431 Egypt
Scouting4peace Foundation
Scouting4peace is a wonderful opportunity for scouts, and guides, from each of the world’s scout regions to come together and share scouting friendship, exchange ideas, participate in forums, upload scouting pictures and video's, whilst at the same instance learning new scouting and guiding activities, games and songs.
Scouting4peace, has brought together over 4000 members from150 countries irrespective of their Nationality, race or religion, and where its members are encouraged to spread regional and worldwide peace through Intercultural dialogue, the sharing of current and environmental issues, whilst also fostering ones Culture and Heritage.
The scouting4peace Inspeak voice room is also another medium for the virtual meeting of scouts and guides, enabling them to voice their scouting ideas, in chat rooms with French, Polish, English, Spanish, German and Arabic languages and Administrators.
The website, a brainchild of Egyptian Scout Leader Mr. Tarek Y Aziz, who to
Non-Profit Organization Management
The NPO Management industry consists of non-profit organizations (NPOs) which rely on donations for their operational funds. NPOs may exist to provide assistance in areas such as healthcare, education or social welfare initiatives.
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