LinkedInвлаcenьков-7sor CompanyБалтАвтоТрейд Residence
Russian Federation, Leningradskaya oblast', Saint Petersburg Last updated2023-12-13 Remove my information
LocationUnited States , Kansas, Independence Website Company Sizecensoredcens Employees14 profiles available Last Updated2020-10-11
CRM Specialists specialize in implementing customer relationship management (CRM) systems to increase efficiency in customer service processes such as sales automation, data analysis, client outreach, etc. Also referred to as Customer Relationship Manager or CRM Administrator. CRM Specialists available via our services can help unlock the potential of customer relationships for you or your business.
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Владимир Красиньков's current details
Current Title CRM
Type of Role CRM Specialist
Job functions Consulting, Operations and Support
Job Seniority Non Management
65% from Russian Federation are employed in Non Management
Current Industry Vehicle Manufacturing and Mobility Scensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensored
Location Russian Federation, Leningradskaya oblast', Saint Petersburg
Experience (tracked since 2009) ▪ censore experience at БалтАвтоТрейд ▪ censore experience as CRM
77% more than average experience as CRM Specialist in Russian Federation
What company does Владимир Красиньков work for? Владимир Красиньков is working for БалтАвтоТрейд
What is Владимир Красиньков's title at БалтАвтоТрейд? Владимир's title is , CRM
What is Владимир Красиньков's Seniority at БалтАвтоТрейд? Владимир Красиньков has been with БалтАвтоТрейд for 6 months and is a normal employee
For how long is Владимир Красиньков working as a CRM? Владимир Красиньков has 7+ years experience as CRM.
What are Владимир Красиньков's functions as a CRM ? Владимир Красиньков is responsible for Consulting, Suppcensoredcensor
Which education does Владимир Красиньков have? Владимир Красиньков has a Secondary-post degree from Сcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensor.
Who are similar contacts like Владимир Красиньков ? Some similar contacts are Anna Provorova, Diana Fadina, Александр Шувалов, Анна Войтович, Анна Войтович and Alina Kosova.
What is Владимир Красиньков's LinkedIn profile ? Владимир Красиньков's LinkedIn profile can be found atвла***ньков-7***
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