Occupational Therapist Khayelitsha District Hospital
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Ahmedi Dhansay's Contact Information
LinkedIn URLlinkedin.com/in/ahmceny-021sor PositionKhayelitsha District Hospital Residence
South Africa, Western Cape, Cape Town Last updated2024-04-13 Remove my information
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Occupational Therapists develop treatment plans for injured, disabled and sick patients to recover and improve the skills essential for daily activity. Advance your organization with the industry's most sought after professionals, use our search engine to find Occupational Therapists near you.
Contact Occupational Therapists like Ahmedi Dhansay
What company does Ahmedi Dhansay work for? Ahmedi Dhansay is working for Khayelitsha District Hospital
What is Ahmedi Dhansay's title at Khayelitsha District Hospital? Ahmedi's title is , Occupational Therapist
What is Ahmedi Dhansay's Seniority at Khayelitsha District Hospital? Ahmedi Dhansay has been with Khayelitsha District Hospital for 6 months and is a normal employee
For how long is Ahmedi Dhansay working as a Occupational Therapist? Ahmedi Dhansay has 3+ years experience as Occupational Therapist.
What are Ahmedi Dhansay's functions as a Occupational Therapist ? Ahmedi Dhansay is responsible for Healthcare censored
Who are similar contacts like Ahmedi Dhansay ? Some similar contacts are Chantalle Stanley, Althea Grebe, Herculene Staden, Mishka Kadir, Arauna Merwe and Nina Mostert.
What is Ahmedi Dhansay's LinkedIn profile ? Ahmedi Dhansay's LinkedIn profile can be found at https://linkedin.com/in/ahm***ay-021***
Who are Ahmedi Dhansay's colleagues at Khayelitsha District Hospital? Some of Ahmedi Dhansay's colleagues are Tamlyn Titus, Ebrahiem Vardien, Nadia Domingo, Nicole Potgieter, Vivienne Lacock, Jana Acker.
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