Contact directory profile

Airton Júnior Menerosa

Secret Agent at Alright Adtech Company
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Airton Júnior Menerosa's Contact Information

Email (work) **************
LinkedIn URL nerosa-5sor
Company Alright Adtech Company
Residence Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre
Last updated 2019-11-04
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Decision Makers at Alright Adtech Company

1 Decision Makers at Alright Adtech Company

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Airton Menerosa's current details

Current Title
Secret Agent
Type of Role
 just 0.3% from Brazil work as a Agent
Job functions
Job Seniority
Non Management
  88% from Brazil are employed in Non Management
Current Industry
Advertisements, censoredc ensoredcen sor edcensor
Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre
Experience (tracked since 2008)
▪ c ensore experience at Alright Adtech Company
▪ c ensore experience as Secret Agent
Work-life tracked since 2008
Airton Menerosa had a total of X different roles since 2008
Skills & Expertise
▪ Business Planning
▪ Bucensor edcensor
▪ Dce
    21 more skills ...
Hobbies & Interests

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Company "Alright Adtech Company"

Company name
Alright Adtech Company
Company size
censo redcens
Year Founded
Linkedin Profile -medsor
Industrial Field
Advertisements, Marketing Strategies and Branding
Brazil, Rio Grande Do Sul, Porto Alegre
Full Company Profile
Alright Adtech Company

Airton Júnior Menerosa's Work History
data available since 2008

  • 2019 (6 months)
    Alright Adtech Company
    Secret Agent
    Advertisements, Marketing Strategies and Branding
    Alright Adtech Company
  • 20XX (1+ censo)
    Acensor edcen soredcenso red
    Acenso redcens
    Acensoredcensor edcensore dcensoredc ens oredcens -medsor
  • 20XX (a fce nsored)
    Mcenso re dcensore dcensoredcenso
    Icensoredcens oredc ens oredcens oredcensore
  • 20XX (a fce nsored)
    Mcenso re dcensore dcensoredcenso r edc e nsored ce nsoredcen so re dce nsored ce nso r edcenso
  • 20XX (3+ censo)
    Rcens oredcensored censoredc
    Acensore dcensored
    Rcenso redce nsoredce tos-espsor
  • 20XX (6 censor)
    Gcens ore
    Ecensored censoredc
    Rcenso redce nsoredce -rsor
  • 20XX (1+ censo)
    Acensoredce nsoredcen
    Rcenso redce nsoredce rassor
  • 20XX (1+ censo)
    Pcensoredc en soredcen so
    Rcenso redce nsoredce edilisor
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Airton Menerosa's Professional Experience

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Airton Júnior Menerosa's Education

  • 20XX - 20XX - Fadecen
    Capacitação profissional para atuar na implementaçce nsored censoredce n soredc en soredcens o redcensored censoredcens or edcensore dcensoredcen s or edcensor edcensoredcensore dcensoredc ens oredcensor edcens or edcenso re dcenso redcensoredcen
  • 20XX - 20XX - FACULDADE ce nsoredcens or edcensoredc ensoredce
    Tcensoredc ensoredc ensoredc
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Frequently asked questions

What company does Airton Menerosa work for?
Airton Menerosa is working for Alright Adtech Company
What is Airton Menerosa's title at Alright Adtech Company?
Airton's title is , Secret Agent
What is Airton Menerosa's Seniority at Alright Adtech Company?
Airton Menerosa has been with Alright Adtech Company for 6 months and is a normal employee
For how long is Airton Menerosa working as a Secret Agent?
Airton Menerosa has 6 months experience as Secret Agent.
What are Airton Menerosa's functions as a Secret Agent ?
Airton Menerosa is responsible for Salce
What is Airton Menerosa's email contact?
Airton Menerosa's email address is **************
Which education does Airton Menerosa have?
Airton Menerosa has a Master degree from Fcensor.
Who are similar contacts like Airton Menerosa ?
Some similar contacts are Ariel Lemos, Gustavo Sibonis, Jésica Dorneles, Débora Bernich, Daniel Craig and Cristiane Chaved.

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Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is intended for general informational purposes only. While we strive to ensure that the information is accurate and up-to-date, we cannot guarantee its completeness or accuracy and we do not endorse or guarantee the products or services of any company or individual listed.