LinkedIn CompanySchneider Electric Residence
Ghana, Greater Accra Region, Accra Last updated2022-06-29 Remove my information
LocationAfghanistan , Kabul, Kabul Website Company Sizecensoredcens Employees48439 profiles available Last Updated2018-01-01
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Electricians install, repair and maintain electrical instruments and devices such as, lighting, power circuits and control systems. Advance your organization with the industry's finest professionals, use our search engine to find Electricians near you.
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Ajesiwor Narh's current details
Current Title Electrical Specialist
Type of Role Electrician
just 0.1% from Ghana work as a Electrician
Job functions Construction
Job Seniority Non Management
81% from Ghana are employed in Non Management
Current Industry Electronic Manufacturing Servicescensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensored
Location Ghana, Greater Accra Region, Accra
Experience (tracked since 2022) ▪ censore experience at Schneider Electric ▪ censore experience as Electrical Specialist
Ajesiwor Evans Narh's Work History
data available since 2022
(6 months) Schneider Electric Ghana Electrical Specialist Schneider Electric
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Frequently asked questions
What company does Ajesiwor Narh work for? Ajesiwor Narh is working for Schneider Electric
What is Ajesiwor Narh's title at Schneider Electric? Ajesiwor's title is , Electrical Specialist
What is Ajesiwor Narh's Seniority at Schneider Electric? Ajesiwor Narh has been with Schneider Electric for 6 months and is a normal employee
For how long is Ajesiwor Narh working as a Electrical Specialist? Ajesiwor Narh has 6 months experience as Electrical Specialist.
What are Ajesiwor Narh's functions as a Electrical Specialist ? Ajesiwor Narh is responsible for Constrcensor
Who are similar contacts like Ajesiwor Narh ? Some similar contacts are Isaac Nunoo, Zoglo Zomabi, Maccarthy Christopher, Eli Sibli, Alfred Eshun and Amoabeng Joseph.
What is Ajesiwor Narh's LinkedIn profile ? Ajesiwor Narh's LinkedIn profile can be found at***-narh-42***
Who are Ajesiwor Narh's colleagues at Schneider Electric? Some of Ajesiwor Narh's colleagues are Issah Rahim, Boukari Bassit, Trudy A., James Emmanuel, Daniel Ndor, Abdul Asare.
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