LinkedIn PositionGrupo Amisa Residence
Guatemala, Guatemala, Villa Nueva Last updated2022-06-07 Remove my information
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Draftsmen create technical drawings for products based on specifications from engineers or architects. Also known as Drafter and Technical Illustrator. Connect with Draftsmen we have listed, ensuring accuracy and precision for engineering design projects.
Type of Role Draftsman
just 0.1% from Guatemala work as a Draftsman
Job functions Construction
Job Seniority Non Management
82% from Guatemala are employed in Non Management
Current Industry Building Constcensoredcensoredcensoredcenso
Location Guatemala, Guatemala, Villa Nueva
Experience (tracked since 2020) ▪ censore experience at Grupo Amisa ▪ censore experience as Dibujante de AutoCAD
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Alejandro Garcia's Work History
data available since 2020
(6 months) Grupo Amisa Guatemala Dibujante de AutoCAD
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Frequently asked questions
What company does Alejandro Garcia work for? Alejandro Garcia is working for Grupo Amisa
What is Alejandro Garcia's title at Grupo Amisa? Alejandro's title is , Dibujante de AutoCAD
What is Alejandro Garcia's Seniority at Grupo Amisa? Alejandro Garcia has been with Grupo Amisa for 6 months and is a normal employee
For how long is Alejandro Garcia working as a Dibujante de AutoCAD? Alejandro Garcia has 6 months experience as Dibujante de AutoCAD.
What are Alejandro Garcia's functions as a Dibujante de AutoCAD ? Alejandro Garcia is responsible for Constrcensor
Who are similar contacts like Alejandro Garcia ? Some similar contacts are Gary Mayca, Marlon Vásquez, Marlon Alfredo, Mauricio Morales, Fabiola Rodas and Fernando Estrada.
What is Alejandro Garcia's LinkedIn profile ? Alejandro Garcia's LinkedIn profile can be found at***cia-94a***
Who are Alejandro Garcia's colleagues at Grupo Amisa? Some of Alejandro Garcia's colleagues are Jose Mota.
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