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Alessio Granelli's current details
Current Title Equity Investment
Type of Role Investor
Job functions Finance
Job Seniority Non Management
84% from Italy are employed in Non Management
Current Industry Acquisition, Investment Banking and censoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensore
Location Italy, Lombardia, Milano
Experience (tracked since 2013) ▪ censore experience at Simest SpA ▪ censore experience as Equity Investment
Work-life tracked since 2013 Alessio Granelli had a total of X different roles since 2013
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Alessio Granelli's Professional Experience
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Alessio Granelli's Education
20XX - 20XX - LUISS Guido Cacensoredcenso Tesi di laurea in Finanza Straordcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensore
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Frequently asked questions
What company does Alessio Granelli work for? Alessio Granelli is working for Simest SpA
What is Alessio Granelli's title at Simest SpA? Alessio's title is , Equity Investment
What is Alessio Granelli's Seniority at Simest SpA? Alessio Granelli has been with Simest SpA for 6 months and is a normal employee
For how long is Alessio Granelli working as a Equity Investment? Alessio Granelli has 6 months experience as Equity Investment.
What are Alessio Granelli's functions as a Equity Investment ? Alessio Granelli is responsible for Finacen
Which education does Alessio Granelli have? Alessio Granelli has a Bachelor degree from Lcensoredcensoredcensored.
Who are similar contacts like Alessio Granelli ? Some similar contacts are Davide Casati, Emanuela Poerio, Barbara Silvi, Luca Sfoggia, Federico Dancona and Andrea Guastella.
What is Alessio Granelli's LinkedIn profile ? Alessio Granelli's LinkedIn profile can be found at***elli-3b***
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