Contact directory profile

Alexis Alvarado Arriagada

Ingeniero de Mantenimiento
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Alexis Alvarado Arriagada's Contact Information

LinkedIn URL riagada-sor
Residence Chile
Last updated 2022-06-05
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Engineers apply scientific principles to create machines, structures, systems, processes, and materials to solve practical problems in an efficient manner.
Other job titles include Civil Engineer and Mechanical Engineer.
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Alexis Arriagada's current details

Current Title
Ingeniero de Mantenimiento
Type of Role
 just 1.5% from Chile work as a Engineer
Job functions
Job Seniority
Non Management
  79% from Chile are employed in Non Management
Current Industry
Mechanical and censoredce nsoredcenso redcensoredc
Experience (tracked since 1988)
▪ c ensore experience at
▪ cen sored experience as Ingeniero de Mantenimiento
  1120% more than average experience as Engineer in Chile
Work-life tracked since 1988
Alexis Arriagada had a total of X different roles since 1988

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Alexis Alvarado Arriagada's Work History
data available since 1988

  • 2019 (6 months)
    Empresa Nacional Del Petroleo Enap
    Ingeniero de Mantenimiento
    Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Technologies
    Empresa Nacional Del Petroleo Enap
  • 20XX (6 censor)
    Icensored ce nsoredcensore
    Mcensoredc ens oredcensor edcensoredc ensoredcenso
  • 20XX (15c ensor)
    Ecensor edcensor edc ensoredc enso
    Icensored ce nsoredcensore
    Mcensoredc ens oredcensor edcensoredc ensoredcenso
  • 19XX (15c ensor)
    Ecensor edcensor edc ensoredc enso
    Tcensor edcensored
    Mcensoredc ens oredcensor edcensoredc ensoredcenso allasor
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Alexis Arriagada's Professional Experience

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Frequently asked questions

For how long is Alexis Arriagada working as a Ingeniero de Mantenimiento?
Alexis Arriagada has 15+ years experience as Ingeniero de Mantenimiento.
What are Alexis Arriagada's functions as a Ingeniero de Mantenimiento ?
Alexis Arriagada is responsible for Enginecenso
Who are similar contacts like Alexis Arriagada ?
Some similar contacts are Karina Ascanio, Myriam Oyarzún, Juan Diaz, Tony Naime, Carlos Jamett and Francisco Astudillo.
What is Alexis Arriagada's LinkedIn profile ?
Alexis Arriagada's LinkedIn profile can be found at***rriagada-***

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