LinkedIn PositionJk Metalurgica Residence
Brazil, Paraná, Londrina Last updated2020-05-02 Remove my information
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Writers & Editors produce written content in forms such as articles, stories, reports etc., while also editing existing documents for accuracy. Other job titles include Copywriters & Copyeditors . Gain access to professional writers & editors for your writing output needs.
Alexsander Ribeiro Ramos's Work History
data available since 2018
(6 months) Jk Metalurgica Brazil Montador Telecommunications Services
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Frequently asked questions
What company does Alexsander Ramos work for? Alexsander Ramos is working for Jk Metalurgica
What is Alexsander Ramos's title at Jk Metalurgica? Alexsander's title is , Montador
What is Alexsander Ramos's Seniority at Jk Metalurgica? Alexsander Ramos has been with Jk Metalurgica for 6 months and is a normal employee
For how long is Alexsander Ramos working as a Montador? Alexsander Ramos has 6 months experience as Montador.
What are Alexsander Ramos's functions as a Montador ? Alexsander Ramos is responsible for Arts and censor
Who are similar contacts like Alexsander Ramos ? Some similar contacts are Wesley Ramos, Rudnyck Miranda, Stefan Arruda, Katia Christina, Angela Ota and Sergio Diego.
What is Alexsander Ramos's LinkedIn profile ? Alexsander Ramos's LinkedIn profile can be found at***ro-ramos-***
Who are Alexsander Ramos's colleagues at Jk Metalurgica? Some of Alexsander Ramos's colleagues are Edmilson Jesus, Edmilson Jesus, Jeine Greice, Jackson Vogel.
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