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Analista Fiscal

Analista Fiscal at Lallegro Restaurante Ltda.
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Analista Fiscal's Contact Information

LinkedIn URL o-299sor
Company Lallegro Restaurante Ltda.
Residence unknown, São Paulo, São Caetano do Sul
Last updated 2022-07-29
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Jurisprudents (Prosecutors) work to protect public safety by representing the government in criminal proceedings. They review evidence, prepare cases, present arguments in court, and recommend sentences for convicted criminals.
Other job titles include Judge, Notary, Officer, Court Reporter and Trustee.
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Analista Fiscal's current details

Current Title
Analista Fiscal
Type of Role
Job functions
Business Development, Legal and Sales
Job Seniority
Non Management
Current Industry
Restaurant and Food Servcens ore dcensored cen soredcensor edc ensoredc ensored
unknown, São Paulo, São Caetano do Sul
Experience (tracked since 2018)
▪ c ensore experience at Lallegro Restaurante Ltda.
▪ c ensore experience as Analista Fiscal
LinkedIn profile o-299sor

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Company "Lallegro Restaurante Ltda."

Company size
censo redcens
Linkedin Profile aurantesor
Industrial Field
Restaurant and Food Services
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Lallegro Restaurante Ltda.

Analista Fiscal's Work History
data available since 2018

  • 2022 (6 months)
    Lallegro Restaurante Ltda.
    Analista Fiscal
    Restaurant and Food Services
    Lallegro Restaurante Ltda.
  • 20XX (3+ censo)
    Lcensore dcensoredce nsore
    Acensore dcenso
    Rcensoredc ens ored censored aurantesor
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Analista Fiscal's Professional Experience

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Frequently asked questions

What company does Analista Fiscal work for?
Analista Fiscal is working for Lallegro Restaurante Ltda.
What is Analista Fiscal's title at Lallegro Restaurante Ltda.?
Analista's title is , Analista Fiscal
What is Analista Fiscal's Seniority at Lallegro Restaurante Ltda.?
Analista Fiscal has been with Lallegro Restaurante Ltda. for 6 months and is a normal employee
For how long is Analista Fiscal working as a Analista Fiscal?
Analista Fiscal has 6 months experience as Analista Fiscal.
What are Analista Fiscal's functions as a Analista Fiscal ?
Analista Fiscal is responsible for Business Developmcens oredce nsore
Who are similar contacts like Analista Fiscal ?
Some similar contacts are Fernando Bartholomeu, Cícera Silva, Rafaela Rodrigues, Maiara Toledo, Adriano Tomaz and Rodrigo Machado.
What is Analista Fiscal's LinkedIn profile ?
Analista Fiscal's LinkedIn profile can be found at***to-299***
Who are Analista Fiscal's colleagues at Lallegro Restaurante Ltda.?
Some of Analista Fiscal's colleagues are Ivan Parizotto, Denise Assis, Sueli Caetano, Suelen Dayenne, Hilton Queiroz, Renata Domingues.

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