Contact directory profile

Angela Atwell

Logistics Specialist at Xpo Logistics
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Angela Atwell's Contact Information

Email (work) *************
LinkedIn URL l-68bsor
Company Xpo Logistics
Residence United States, North Carolina, Concord
Last updated 2018-11-23
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Logisticians manage product distribution from acquisition to delivery and aim to streamline the process.
Logisticians may also be called Logistics Coordinators.
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Angela Atwell's current details

Current Title
Logistics Specialist
Type of Role
 just 0.1% from United States work as a Logistician
Job functions
Administrative, Purchasing and Transport
Job Seniority
Non Management
  74% from United States are employed in Non Management
Current Industry
Logistical Plancens ore dcenso redce nsoredcensor
United States, North Carolina, Concord
Experience (tracked since 2000)
▪ c ensore experience at Xpo Logistics
▪ c ensore experience as Logistics Specialist
LinkedIn profile l-68bsor
Skills & Expertise
▪ 3PL
▪ Ace nsoredc
▪ Cacenso redcensoredce
    20 more skills ...
Hobbies & Interests
▪ Spending time with my projects...gardening

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Company "Xpo Logistics"

Company name
Xpo Logistics
Company size
censo redcens
Stock Symbol
Year Founded
Linkedin Profile stisor
Industrial Field
Logistical Planning and Supply Chain Optimization
Italy, Piemonte, Unita' Produttiva
Full Company Profile
Xpo Logistics

Angela Atwell's Work History
data available since 2000

  • 2018 (6 months)
    Xpo Logistics
    United States
    Logistics Specialist
    Logistical Planning and Supply Chain Optimization
    Xpo Logistics
  • 20XX (15c ensor)
    Xce nsoredcen soredcens oredce
    Ucenso redcen
    Lcensored censoredce
    Lcensoredc ensoredc ens oredce nsore dcensoredcen stisor
  • 20XX (6 censor)
    Rcensor edcensore dcensor
    Ucenso redcen
    Fcensor edc ensoredce
    Lcensoredc ensoredc ens oredce nsore dcensoredcen
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Angela Atwell's Professional Experience

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Angela Atwell's Education

  • 19XX - 19XX - Rowan Cabarrus Ccensored censore
    Associacens oredcen soredc ensored mmunitycsor
  • 19XX - 19XX - Northwcen soredcen sore dcenso
    Dcensore dcensor
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Frequently asked questions

What company does Angela Atwell work for?
Angela Atwell is working for Xpo Logistics
What is Angela Atwell's title at Xpo Logistics?
Angela's title is , Logistics Specialist
What is Angela Atwell's Seniority at Xpo Logistics?
Angela Atwell has been with Xpo Logistics for 6 months and is a normal employee
For how long is Angela Atwell working as a Logistics Specialist?
Angela Atwell has 6 months experience as Logistics Specialist.
What are Angela Atwell's functions as a Logistics Specialist ?
Angela Atwell is responsible for Administrative, Tracensore dcensoredc
What is Angela Atwell's email contact?
Angela Atwell's email address is *************
Which education does Angela Atwell have?
Angela Atwell has a Bachelor degree from Rcens oredcens oredcenso redcens.
Who are similar contacts like Angela Atwell ?
Some similar contacts are Daysy Bahena, Josh Strong, Kathleen Bolick, Denise Milton, Cici Wilson and Eric Mahone.

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