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Anilkumar Kk

Asst. Professor at Cusat
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Anilkumar Kk's Contact Information

Email (work) ***
LinkedIn URL k-531sor
Tel. (Company) +91 484 257 XXXX
Company Cusat
Residence India, Kerala, Kottayam
Last updated 2024-06-15
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Anilkumar Kk's current details

Current Title
Asst. Professor
Type of Role
College/University Teacher
 just 0.7% from India work as a College/University Teacher
Job functions
Education, Research and Assistance
Job Seniority
Non Management
  80% from India are employed in Non Management
Current Industry
Educational Management, Administration, cen soredcenso red censore dce nsored censoredc ensoredce nsoredcens oredcensore dce nsoredce
India, Kerala, Kottayam
Experience (tracked since 2006)
▪ c ensore experience as Asst. Professor
LinkedIn profile k-531sor
Skills & Expertise
▪ Curriculum Design
▪ Cucensored censoredcen
▪ Ecensoredc
    9 more skills ...

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Company "Cusat"

Company name
Company size
censo redcens
Linkedin Profile cience-and-tsor
Industrial Field
College and Higher Education Teaching, Curriculum Development and Research
India, Kerala, Kochi
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Anilkumar Kk's Work History
data available since 2006

  • 2024 (6 months)
    Asst. Professor
    Educational Management, Administration, and Leadership
  • 20XX (15c ensor)
    Acens oredcenso cience-and-tsor
  • 20XX (15c ensor)
    Acens oredcenso re dce asor
  • 20XX (15c ensor)
    Acens oredcenso
    Ecensoredce nsoredcenso redcensoredcens ore dcensoredc asor
  • 20XX (15c ensor)
    Acens oredcenso re dce
    Ecensoredce nsoredcenso redcensoredcens ore dcensoredc cience-and-tsor
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Anilkumar Kk's Professional Experience

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Frequently asked questions

What company does Anilkumar Kk work for?
Anilkumar Kk is working for Cusat
What is Anilkumar Kk's title at Cusat?
Anilkumar's title is , Asst. Professor
What is Anilkumar Kk's Seniority at Cusat?
Anilkumar Kk has been with Cusat for a few months and is a normal employee
For how long is Anilkumar Kk working as a Asst. Professor?
Anilkumar Kk has 6 months experience as Asst. Professor.
What are Anilkumar Kk's functions as a Asst. Professor ?
Anilkumar Kk is responsible for Education, Assiscensor edcensor
What is Anilkumar Kk's company phone number?
Anilkumar Kk's company phone number is +91 484 257 ****
What is Anilkumar Kk's email contact?
Anilkumar Kk's email address is ***
Who are similar contacts like Anilkumar Kk ?
Some similar contacts are Anooplal .b, Anoop Joy, Lecturer Haneef, Anoop Thomas, Anna Alex and Abin Paul.

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