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Switzerland, Basel-Landschaft, Basel Last updated2023-02-13 Remove my information
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UX/UI Designers combine art and science to design user interfaces that provide an intuitive user experience on web sites, mobile applications etc.. Other job titles include User Interface Designer or Interaction Designer. UX/UI Designers available via us are committed to creating engaging user experiences resulting in higher customer satisfaction rates .
What company does Antonino Cusano work for? Antonino Cusano is working for Novartis
What is Antonino Cusano's title at Novartis? Antonino's title is , UX Designer
What is Antonino Cusano's Seniority at Novartis? Antonino Cusano has been with Novartis for 3+ years and is a normal employee
For how long is Antonino Cusano working as a UX Designer? Antonino Cusano has 6 months experience as UX Designer.
What are Antonino Cusano's functions as a UX Designer ? Antonino Cusano is responsible for Arts and Design, Infcensoredcensoredce
What is Antonino Cusano's email contact? Antonino Cusano's email address is *******
Which education does Antonino Cusano have? Antonino Cusano has a Bachelor degree from Ncensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcens.
Who are similar contacts like Antonino Cusano ? Some similar contacts are Alex Stürzinger, Interactive Designerin, Ioana Mitrea, Natascha Natum, Howie Leung and Frederik Dühsler.
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