Contact directory profile

Anusheel Kumar

Chef at Peppers Clearwater Resort [mantra Group]
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Anusheel Kumar's Contact Information

LinkedIn URL ar-077sor
Tel. (Company) +61 7 5631 XXXX
Company Peppers Clearwater Resort [mantra Group]
Residence New Zealand, Canterbury, Christchurch
Last updated 2024-09-14
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Anusheel Kumar's current details

Type of Role
 just 0.2% from New Zealand work as a Chef
Job Seniority
Non Management
  73% from New Zealand are employed in Non Management
Current Industry
Food Production, Processing, Packaging, cen soredcenso redcensoredcen sor edcensoredc ensoredc ens oredcensor edc enso redcenso
New Zealand, Canterbury, Christchurch
Experience (tracked since 2009)
▪ c ensore experience at Peppers Clearwater Resort [mantra Group]
▪ ce nsore experience as
  74% more than average experience as Chef in New Zealand
Work-life tracked since 2009
Anusheel Kumar had a total of X different roles since 2009
Skills & Expertise
▪ Microsoft Office

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Company "Peppers Clearwater Resort [mantra Group]"

Company size
censo redcens
Linkedin Profile grosor
Industrial Field
Accommodations and Hospitality Services
Australia, Queensland, Surfers Paradise

Anusheel Kumar's Work History
data available since 2009

  • 2018 (6 months)
    Peppers Clearwater Resort [mantra Group]
    New Zealand
    Demi- Chef-de-parte
    Food Production, Processing, Packaging, and Logistics
    Peppers Clearwater Resort [mantra Group]
  • 20XX (15c ensor)
    Pcensor edcensored censor
    Nce nsoredc
    Ccen grosor
  • 20XX (6 censor)
    Gcensor edc ens oredcensor
    Nce nsoredc
    Jcenso redc enso
  • 20XX (1+ censo)
    Tce nsor edcen
    Nce nsoredc
    Scen sore
  • 20XX (a fce nsored)
    Pcensor edcensore dcenso
    Nce nsoredc
    Bcensored cens
  • 20XX (1+ censo)
    Mcensored cen s oredc
    Nce nsoredc
    Ccenso redc
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Anusheel Kumar's Professional Experience

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Anusheel Kumar's Education

  • 20XX - 20XX - Mackenzie censore
    Cooking ace nsoredc ensoredc ensor edcenso -collsor
  • 20XX - 20XX - swami censoredcen soredce
  • 20XX - 19XX - Nadi censore dcenso
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Frequently asked questions

What company does Anusheel Kumar work for?
Anusheel Kumar is working for Peppers Clearwater Resort [mantra Group]
What is Anusheel Kumar's title at Peppers Clearwater Resort [mantra Group]?
Anusheel's title is
What is Anusheel Kumar's Seniority at Peppers Clearwater Resort [mantra Group]?
Anusheel Kumar has been with Peppers Clearwater Resort [mantra Group] for 6 months and is a normal employee
What is Anusheel Kumar's company phone number?
Anusheel Kumar's company phone number is +61 7 5631 ****
Which education does Anusheel Kumar have?
Anusheel Kumar has a Secondary-post degree from Mcensored censore.
Who are similar contacts like Anusheel Kumar ?
Some similar contacts are Cherize Staden, Mahmoud Rawhi, Gary Todd, Carly Moore, Matt Hopkins and John Yagodzenski.
What is Anusheel Kumar's LinkedIn profile ?
Anusheel Kumar's LinkedIn profile can be found at***mar-077***
Who are Anusheel Kumar's colleagues at Peppers Clearwater Resort [mantra Group]?
Some of Anusheel Kumar's colleagues are Isyss Choo, Sharon Heatherbell, Craig Redmile, Anna Spinetto, Vuyisile Mosese, Reece Mckenzie.

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