Contact directory profile

Ariana Ibarra

Contador general at Bocar Group
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Ariana Ibarra's Contact Information

Email (work) *******
LinkedIn URL a-144sor
Tel. (Company) +52 614 439 XXXX
Company Bocar Group
Residence Mexico
Last updated 2023-01-09
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Ariana Ibarra's current details

Current Title
Contador general
Type of Role
 just 0.4% from Mexico work as a Singer
Job functions
Job Seniority
Non Management
  80% from Mexico are employed in Non Management
Current Industry
Consumer Goods and Marketplace Distributioce nsoredc ensoredcensor edc ensoredc ensoredce nso redcensoredcen soredcens oredce nso redcensore
Experience (tracked since 2018)
▪ c ensore experience at Bocar Group
▪ c ensore experience as Contador general
Work-life tracked since 2018
Ariana Ibarra had a total of X different roles since 2018

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Company "Bocar Group"

Company name
Bocar Group
Company size
censo redcens
Linkedin Profile bocsor
Industrial Field
Vehicle Manufacturing and Mobility Solutions
Mexico, Chihuahua, Chihuahua
Full Company Profile
Bocar Group

Ariana Ibarra's Work History
data available since 2018

  • 2018 (6 months)
    Bocar Group
    Contador general
    Consumer Goods and Marketplace Distribution
    Bocar Group
  • 20XX (3+ censo)
    Ccensor edcensore
    Fcensored censore
    Ccensore dcens ore dcensoredce nsoredcensor almolsor
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Ariana Ibarra's Professional Experience

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Frequently asked questions

What company does Ariana Ibarra work for?
Ariana Ibarra is working for Bocar Group
What is Ariana Ibarra's title at Bocar Group?
Ariana's title is , Contador general
What is Ariana Ibarra's Seniority at Bocar Group?
Ariana Ibarra has been with Bocar Group for 6 months and is a normal employee
For how long is Ariana Ibarra working as a Contador general?
Ariana Ibarra has 6 months experience as Contador general.
What are Ariana Ibarra's functions as a Contador general ?
Ariana Ibarra is responsible for Accountingc ensored
What is Ariana Ibarra's company phone number?
Ariana Ibarra's company phone number is +52 614 439 ****
What is Ariana Ibarra's email contact?
Ariana Ibarra's email address is *******
Who are similar contacts like Ariana Ibarra ?
Some similar contacts are Ana Rubio, Estefania Cano, Isabel Carrillo, Josefina Armenta, Osiris Padilla and Baltazar Rodriguez.

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