Contact directory profile

Arif Guntoro

Branch Sales Manager at Pt. Sukanda Djaya
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Arif Guntoro's Contact Information

LinkedIn URL o-7a3sor
Tel. (Company) +62 21 898XXXX
Company Pt. Sukanda Djaya
Residence Indonesia
Last updated 2024-08-27
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Sales Managers direct the sales team towards achieving their goals by setting targets, developing strategies, and leading customer relationships.
Other job titles include Director of Sales or Business Development Manager.
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Arif Guntoro's current details

Current Title
Branch Sales Manager
Type of Role
Sales Manager
 just 0.4% from Indonesia work as a Sales Manager
Job functions
Finance, Operations and Sales
Job Seniority
Lower Management
  9% from Indonesia are employed in Lower Management
Current Industry
Consumer Goods and Macensoredc ensoredcenso red censor edcen soredcen
Experience (tracked since 2000)
▪ c ensore experience at Pt. Sukanda Djaya
▪ c ensore experience as Branch Sales Manager
Work-life tracked since 2000
Arif Guntoro had a total of X different roles since 2000

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Company "Pt. Sukanda Djaya"

Company name
Pt. Sukanda Djaya
Company size
censo redcens
Year Founded
Linkedin Profile d-stosor
Industrial Field
Consumer Goods and Marketplace Distribution
Indonesia, Jawa Barat, Cikarang Utara
Full Company Profile
Pt. Sukanda Djaya

Arif Guntoro's Work History
data available since 2000

  • 2018 (6 months)
    Pt. Sukanda Djaya
    Branch Sales Manager
    Consumer Goods and Marketplace Distribution
    Pt. Sukanda Djaya
  • 20XX (15c ensor)
    Pce nsoredc ensor
    Bcenso redce nsoredc
    Ccensore dcens ore dcensoredce nsoredcensor d-stosor
  • 20XX (15c ensor)
    Pce nsoredc ensor
    Bcenso redce nsoredc
    Ccensore dcens ore dcensoredce nsoredcensor d-stosor
  • 20XX (3+ censo)
    Pcensore dcensored
    Ccensor edcenso redcens oredc
    Ccensore dcens ore dcensoredce nsoredcensor asor
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Arif Guntoro's Professional Experience

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Arif Guntoro's Education

  • 19XX - 19XX - Universitas Mcensor edcens
    Degreec ensore dcensoredcenso rdeka-msor
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Frequently asked questions

What company does Arif Guntoro work for?
Arif Guntoro is working for Pt. Sukanda Djaya
What is Arif Guntoro's title at Pt. Sukanda Djaya?
Arif's title is , Branch Sales Manager
What is Arif Guntoro's Seniority at Pt. Sukanda Djaya?
Arif Guntoro has been with Pt. Sukanda Djaya for 6 months and is in Lower Management
For how long is Arif Guntoro working as a Branch Sales Manager?
Arif Guntoro has 6 months experience as Branch Sales Manager.
What are Arif Guntoro's functions as a Branch Sales Manager ?
Arif Guntoro is responsible for Finance, Salece nsoredcens
What is Arif Guntoro's company phone number?
Arif Guntoro's company phone number is +62 21 898****
Which education does Arif Guntoro have?
Arif Guntoro has a Secondary-post degree from Ucensoredce nsoredc ensore.
What is Arif Guntoro's LinkedIn profile ?
Arif Guntoro's LinkedIn profile can be found at***ro-7a3***

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