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Argentina Last updated2023-03-18 Remove my information
LocationArgentina , Río Negro, San Carlos De Bariloche Website Company Sizecensoredcens Employees1350 profiles available Last Updated2020-10-17
Equipment Operators maneuver and control heavy equipment, such as cranes, forklifts and bulldozers, on construction sites. Other job titles include Construction Equipment Operator and Heavy Equipment Operator. Discover Equipment Operators who have the skills to complete your projects, all verified contacts for sale in our directory.
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Bruno Givaudant's current details
Current Title Operario
Type of Role Equipment Operator
just 0.5% from Argentina work as a Equipment Operator
Job functions Construction
Job Seniority Non Management
82% from Argentina are employed in Non Management
Current Industry Mechanical and Industrial Engcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcen
Location Argentina
Experience (tracked since 2017) ▪ censore experience at Invap ▪ censore experience as Operario
91% more than average experience as Equipment Operator in Argentina
Bruno Givaudant's Work History
data available since 2017
(6 months) Invap Argentina operario Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Technologies Invap
(a fcensored) Acensored ocensoredcensor Mcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcenso
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Frequently asked questions
What company does Bruno Givaudant work for? Bruno Givaudant is working for Invap
What is Bruno Givaudant's title at Invap? Bruno's title is , Operario
What is Bruno Givaudant's Seniority at Invap? Bruno Givaudant has been with Invap for 6 months and is a normal employee
For how long is Bruno Givaudant working as a Operario? Bruno Givaudant has 3+ years experience as Operario.
What are Bruno Givaudant's functions as a Operario ? Bruno Givaudant is responsible for Constrcensor
What is Bruno Givaudant's company phone number? Bruno Givaudant's company phone number is +54 294 440*****
What is Bruno Givaudant's email contact? Bruno Givaudant's email address is **********
Who are similar contacts like Bruno Givaudant ? Some similar contacts are Micaela Michelena, Walter Carrilos, Lucas Gómez, Matias Mitti, Mirtha Fonseca and Sebastian Minuet.
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