Contact directory profile

Caren Wakhungu

Legal Assistant at Independent Electoral And Boundaries Commission
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Caren Wakhungu's Contact Information

Email (work) *****
LinkedIn URL u-693sor
Company Independent Electoral And Boundaries Commission
Residence Kenya
Last updated 2023-05-26
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Caren Wakhungu's current details

Current Title
Legal Assistant
Type of Role
Job functions
Administrative, Legal and Assistance
Job Seniority
Non Management
  82% from Kenya are employed in Non Management
Current Industry
Legislative Affairs Offices and censor edcens oredcensore dce nsore dcensore dce nsoredcens oredcensor
Experience (tracked since 2018)
▪ c ensore experience at Independent Electoral And Boundaries Commission
▪ c ensore experience as Legal Assistant
Work-life tracked since 2018
Caren Wakhungu had a total of X different roles since 2018

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Company "Independent Electoral And Boundaries Commission"

Company size
censo redcens
Linkedin Profile oral-comsor
Industrial Field
Legislative Affairs Offices and public Policy Development
Kenya, Nairobi, Nairobi

Caren Wakhungu's Work History
data available since 2018

  • 2023 (6 months)
    Independent Electoral And Boundaries Commission
    Legal Assistant
    Independent Electoral And Boundaries Commission
  • 20XX (1+ censo)
    Ucensoredc en soredce
    Scensor of-naisor
  • 20XX (1+ censo)
    Ucensoredc en soredce ysor
  • 20XX (1+ censo)
    Ucensoredc en soredce
    Scensor of-naisor
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Caren Wakhungu's Professional Experience

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Caren Wakhungu's Education

  • 20XX - 20XX - University ce nsoredc
    Stcenso of-naisor
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Frequently asked questions

What company does Caren Wakhungu work for?
Caren Wakhungu is working for Independent Electoral And Boundaries Commission
What is Caren Wakhungu's title at Independent Electoral And Boundaries Commission?
Caren's title is , Legal Assistant
What is Caren Wakhungu's Seniority at Independent Electoral And Boundaries Commission?
Caren Wakhungu has been with Independent Electoral And Boundaries Commission for 6 months and is a normal employee
For how long is Caren Wakhungu working as a Legal Assistant?
Caren Wakhungu has 6 months experience as Legal Assistant.
What are Caren Wakhungu's functions as a Legal Assistant ?
Caren Wakhungu is responsible for Administrative, Acensoredce nsore
What is Caren Wakhungu's email contact?
Caren Wakhungu's email address is *****
Who are similar contacts like Caren Wakhungu ?
Some similar contacts are Jane Gichuru, Steve Kyalo, Nyamambia Nyaribo, Elizabeth Wanjohi, Jackline Gachuhi and Selina Mukhwana.
What is Caren Wakhungu's LinkedIn profile ?
Caren Wakhungu's LinkedIn profile can be found at***gu-693***

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