Portfolio Managers design portfolios that meet individual investor's goals by selecting diversified investments such as stocks, bonds and mutual funds based on risk tolerance level. Other job titles include Investment Advisor or Investment Strategist. Find the right Portfolio Managers to build tailored solutions and protect your investments from market volatility.
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Chanico Adams's current details
Current Title BSO Portfolio Manager
Type of Role Portfolio Manager
Job functions Operations
Job Seniority Lower Management
9% from Namibia are employed in Lower Management
Current Industry Logistical Planning and Supcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensore
Location Namibia, Khomas Region, Windhoek
Experience (tracked since 2012) ▪ censore experience at Bdo Namibia ▪ censore experience as BSO Portfolio Manager
Work-life tracked since 2012 Chanico Adams had a total of X different roles since 2012
What company does Chanico Adams work for? Chanico Adams is working for Bdo Namibia
What is Chanico Adams's title at Bdo Namibia? Chanico's title is , BSO Portfolio Manager
What is Chanico Adams's Seniority at Bdo Namibia? Chanico Adams has been with Bdo Namibia for 7+ years and is in Lower Management
For how long is Chanico Adams working as a BSO Portfolio Manager? Chanico Adams has 6 months experience as BSO Portfolio Manager.
What are Chanico Adams's functions as a BSO Portfolio Manager ? Chanico Adams is responsible for Operacenso
What is Chanico Adams's email contact? Chanico Adams's email address is *******@bdo.com.na
Who are similar contacts like Chanico Adams ? Some similar contacts are Egon Schmidt, Jacques Bock, Werner Thesen, Eldean Damons, Esme Brits and Sibusiso Dhlamini.
What is Chanico Adams's LinkedIn profile ? Chanico Adams's LinkedIn profile can be found at https://linkedin.com/in/cha***ms-0282***
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