Contact directory profile

Chaw Yupar

Human Resources Manager at Médecins Sans Frontières (switzerland)
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Chaw Yupar's Contact Information

Email (work) ****
LinkedIn URL bb57sor
Company Médecins Sans Frontières (switzerland)
Residence Myanmar, Yangon Region, Yangon
Last updated 2024-08-28
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Human Resources Managers coordinate staff recruitment, training, motivation, development and retention strategies to ensure an effective workforce that meets organizational objectives.
Other job titles include HR Director and People Manager.
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Chaw Yupar's current details

Current Title
Human Resources Manager
Type of Role
HR Manager
 just 0.3% from Myanmar work as a HR Manager
Job functions
Human Resources
Job Seniority
Lower Management
  14% from Myanmar are employed in Lower Management
Current Industry
Non-Profit Organization Management, Chcenso red censoredcens ored cen sored censoredc ensoredcensored censoredcen sor edcensor
Myanmar, Yangon Region, Yangon
Experience (tracked since 2003)
▪ ce nsore experience at Médecins Sans Frontières (switzerland)
▪ ce nsore experience as Human Resources Manager
  259% more than average experience as HR Manager in Myanmar
Work-life tracked since 2003
Chaw Yupar had a total of X different roles since 2003
Skills & Expertise
▪ Administration
▪ Bucens oredcensor
▪ Bucens oredcensor
    15 more skills ...

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Company "Médecins Sans Frontières (switzerland)"

Company size
censo redcens
Year Founded
Linkedin Profile onti-res-sor
Industrial Field
Charity and Humanitarian Work

Chaw Yupar's Work History
data available since 2003

  • 2024 (a few months)
    Médecins Sans Frontières (switzerland)
    Human Resources Manager
    Non-Profit Organization Management
    Médecins Sans Frontières (switzerland)
  • 20XX (a fce nsored)
    Mcensore dcen soredcenso
    Hcens oredcenso redcens
  • 20XX (7+ censo)
    Mcensore dcen soredcenso redcensoredce
    Hcens oredcenso redcens onti-res-sor
  • 20XX (1+ censo)
    Mcensore dcen soredcenso
    Pcensored censoredcensor edcenso
  • 20XX (1+ censo)
    Mcensore dcen soredcenso redce
    Mcensor edcen soredcens oredcen ti-res-ausor
  • 20XX (1+ censo)
    Mcensore dcen soredcenso
    Hcens oredcenso redcens
  • 20XX (1+ censo)
    Mcensore dcen soredcenso redcensoredce
    Fcens oredc ensored
    Ncensoredc ensoredcenso redcensore onti-res-sor
  • 20XX (7+ censo)
    Mcensore dcen soredcenso redcensoredce
    Hc ensored
    Ncensoredc ensoredcenso redcensore onti-res-sor
  • 20XX (7+ censo)
    Mcensore dcen soredcenso redcensoredce
    Hcens oredcenso redcens
    Ccensor edc ensoredcenso redc onti-res-sor
  • 20XX (3+ censo)
    Mcensore dcen soredcenso redcensoredce
    Hcens oredcenso redcens
    Ccensor edc ensoredcenso redc onti-res-sor
  • 20XX (a fce nsored)
    Mcensore dcen soredcenso redcensoredce
    Hc ensoredcensore dcensored
    Ccensor edc ensoredcenso redc onti-res-sor
  • 20XX (1+ censo)
    Pcensore dcensor edcensoredcens
    Hc ensoredcensor
    Ccensor edc ensoredcenso redc msor
  • 20XX (6 censor)
    Ccensor edc ensoredcenso redc ctisor
  • 20XX (3+ censo)
    Mcensoredcens oredcen
    Acensoredc ensor
    Ccensor edc ensoredcenso redc ng-comsor
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Chaw Yupar's Professional Experience

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Chaw Yupar's Education

  • 20XX - 20XX - Strategc ensor
    Recruitment process and selection, People Mcensoredce nsoredce n soredcensore dcensoredce nsoredcens o redcens oredcens oredcensor edcensor edcensoredc en soredcens oredcensor edc ensoredc en soredc ens or edcensor
  • 20XX - 20XX - Dagon Uncensored ce nsoredce nsoredcen
    Bcensoredc en sored censoredc
  • 20XX - 20XX - U Aung Win censoredce nso redcensore dcensore dcenso
    Accounticen sore dcensoredc ens oredcensor edcensored censor edcens oredce nsoredc en soredcen sor edcensor edcensoredce nsore dc ensore d censo
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Frequently asked questions

What company does Chaw Yupar work for?
Chaw Yupar is working for Médecins Sans Frontières (switzerland)
What is Chaw Yupar's title at Médecins Sans Frontières (switzerland)?
Chaw's title is , Human Resources Manager
What is Chaw Yupar's Seniority at Médecins Sans Frontières (switzerland)?
Chaw Yupar has been with Médecins Sans Frontières (switzerland) for 3+ years and is in Lower Management
For how long is Chaw Yupar working as a Human Resources Manager?
Chaw Yupar has 3+ years experience as Human Resources Manager.
What are Chaw Yupar's functions as a Human Resources Manager ?
Chaw Yupar is responsible for Human Resourcece nsoredcens
What is Chaw Yupar's email contact?
Chaw Yupar's email address is ****
Which education does Chaw Yupar have?
Chaw Yupar has a Master degree from Scensore dcens.
Who are similar contacts like Chaw Yupar ?
Some similar contacts are Elda Bidaj, Samantha Chin, Mr Oseghale, Saw Gaw, Frederik Frisell and Syaza Razak.

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