LinkedIn PositionSelf - Employed Residence
United States, Virginia, Suffolk Last updated2022-08-28 Remove my information
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Technical Writers communicate and summarize complex technical information for easy comprehension by the common user, some examples include instruction manuals, grant proposals and pharmaceuticals. Technical Writers may also identify as Technical Communicators or Technical Authors. Collect innumerable names, e-mail addresses, phone numbers and LinkedIn profiles for Technical Writers to grow your CRM, build B2B relationships, or recruit candidates for your organization.
What company does Chris Christensen work for? Chris Christensen is working for Self - Employed
What is Chris Christensen's title at Self - Employed? Chris's title is , Tech Writer
What is Chris Christensen's Seniority at Self - Employed? Chris Christensen has been with Self - Employed for a few months and is a normal employee
For how long is Chris Christensen working as a Tech Writer? Chris Christensen has 3+ years experience as Tech Writer.
What are Chris Christensen's functions as a Tech Writer ? Chris Christensen is responsible for Marketing, Leisure, Mcensoredcensoredcen
Who are similar contacts like Chris Christensen ? Some similar contacts are Marvin Sharpe, Victoria Nguyen, Erin Martin, Caitlin Scoville, Diane Elder and Eric Fink.
What is Chris Christensen's LinkedIn profile ? Chris Christensen's LinkedIn profile can be found at***nsen-949***
Who are Chris Christensen's colleagues at Self - Employed? Some of Chris Christensen's colleagues are Jameel Mohammed, Helen Kenton, James Barrington, Brandon Hewitt, Cynthia Daye, Lindsey Moskaluk.
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