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United States, Massachusetts, Boston Last updated2021-09-02 Remove my information
LocationUnited States , California, Sacramento Website Company Sizecensoredcens Employees1240 profiles available Last Updated2020-02-15
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Babysitters supervise and tend to children when family members are not available, and typically work for multiple families at a time. Instantly connect with exemplary Babysitters via e-mail or phone through our services.
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Chrissy Sideropoulos's current details
Current Title Nanny/Household Manager
Type of Role Babysitter
Job functions Education
Job Seniority Non Management
74% from United States are employed in Non Management
Current Industry Elderly Caregiving and Family Servicescensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcens
Location United States, Massachusetts, Boston
Experience (tracked since 2018) ▪ censore experience at Kyäni ▪ censore experience as Nanny/Household Manager
Chrissy Nicole Sideropoulos's Work History
data available since 2018
(6 months) Kyäni United States Nanny/Household Manager Elderly Caregiving and Family Services Kyäni
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Chrissy Sideropoulos's Professional Experience
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Chrissy Nicole Sideropoulos's Education
20XX - 20XX - Lincoln Technicensoredcens Cercensoredce
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Frequently asked questions
What company does Chrissy Sideropoulos work for? Chrissy Sideropoulos is working for Kyäni
What is Chrissy Sideropoulos's title at Kyäni? Chrissy's title is , Nanny/Household Manager
What is Chrissy Sideropoulos's Seniority at Kyäni? Chrissy Sideropoulos has been with Kyäni for 6 months and is a normal employee
For how long is Chrissy Sideropoulos working as a Nanny/Household Manager? Chrissy Sideropoulos has 6 months experience as Nanny/Household Manager.
What are Chrissy Sideropoulos's functions as a Nanny/Household Manager ? Chrissy Sideropoulos is responsible for Education, censoredce
Who are similar contacts like Chrissy Sideropoulos ? Some similar contacts are Elizabeth Mccurdy, Kimberly Trainor, Vanessa Caffin, Ping Gu, Meg Crawford and Polly M..
What is Chrissy Sideropoulos's LinkedIn profile ? Chrissy Sideropoulos's LinkedIn profile can be found at***deropoulos***
Who are Chrissy Sideropoulos's colleagues at Kyäni? Some of Chrissy Sideropoulos's colleagues are Monica Acosta, Jay Jempson, Brent Ellison, Jake Glisson, Charles Degrate, Timothy Stramel.
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