LinkedIn Tel. (Company)+1 630-415-XXXX CompanyLucid Motors Residence
United States, California, Newark Last updated2024-08-23 Remove my information
LocationUnited States , Illinois, Oak Brook Website Company Sizecensoredcens Employees5829 profiles available Last Updated2024-09-22
Commodity Managers are responsible for monitoring, analyzing and forecasting the market dynamics of commodities. They also ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations Also known as Commodity Buyer or Commodity Analyst Engage the right Commodity Managers and stay ahead of the competition, maximizing profits like never before.
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David Wiese's current details
Current Title Staff Global Supply Manager
Type of Role Commodity Manager
just 0.1% from United States work as a Commodity Manager
Job functions Operations
Job Seniority Lower Management
13% from United States are employed in Lower Management
Current Industry Vehicle Manufacturing and Mobilcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensore
Location United States, California, Newark
Experience (tracked since 2018) ▪ censore experience at Lucid Motors ▪ censore experience as Staff Global Supply Manager
Work-life tracked since 2018 David Wiese had a total of X different roles since 2018
David Wiese's Work History
data available since 2018
(6 months) Lucid Motors United States Staff Global Supply Manager Vehicle Manufacturing and Mobility Solutions Lucid Motors
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What company does David Wiese work for? David Wiese is working for Lucid Motors
What is David Wiese's title at Lucid Motors? David's title is , Staff Global Supply Manager
What is David Wiese's Seniority at Lucid Motors? David Wiese has been with Lucid Motors for 6 months and is in Lower Management
For how long is David Wiese working as a Staff Global Supply Manager? David Wiese has 6 months experience as Staff Global Supply Manager.
What are David Wiese's functions as a Staff Global Supply Manager ? David Wiese is responsible for Operations, censoredce
What is David Wiese's company phone number? David Wiese's company phone number is +1 630-415-****
What is David Wiese's LinkedIn profile ? David Wiese's LinkedIn profile can be found at***gwie***
Who are David Wiese's colleagues at Lucid Motors? Some of David Wiese's colleagues are Emory Boyland, Fadel Abualsaud, Annet Sorisho, Arnaud L., Aditi Saran, Jose Marin.
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