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Kuwait Last updated2022-07-16 Remove my information
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Human Resources Managers coordinate staff recruitment, training, motivation, development and retention strategies to ensure an effective workforce that meets organizational objectives. Other job titles include HR Director and People Manager. Hire the right people for your team thanks to our HR Managers’ recruiting processes that will help you find talented professionals.
What company does Dema Dardari work for? Dema Dardari is working for Pick Daily Picks
What is Dema Dardari's title at Pick Daily Picks? Dema's title is , HR Manager
What is Dema Dardari's Seniority at Pick Daily Picks? Dema Dardari has been with Pick Daily Picks for a few months and is in Lower Management
For how long is Dema Dardari working as a HR Manager? Dema Dardari has 6 months experience as HR Manager.
What are Dema Dardari's functions as a HR Manager ? Dema Dardari is responsible for Human Resourcecensoredcens
Who are similar contacts like Dema Dardari ? Some similar contacts are Lakshman Sharma, Majed Mahmoud, Emmanuel Carolino, Mohammad Khan, Gerald Stewart and Venkatesh Ramanujam.
What is Dema Dardari's LinkedIn profile ? Dema Dardari's LinkedIn profile can be found at***ri-02b***
Who are Dema Dardari's colleagues at Pick Daily Picks? Some of Dema Dardari's colleagues are Jayvie Fuggan.
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