LinkedIn PositionSoneji & Associates Residence
India, West Bengal, Kolkata Last updated2022-05-13 Remove my information
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Sales Representatives contact customers and potential buyers, describe products and services, answer all customer enquiries and ultimately make sales. Enhance your sales campaign with a substantial CRM foundation. We offer verified names, e-mail addresses and phone numbers for Sales Representatives worldwide.
Type of Role Sales Representative
just 0.6% from India work as a Sales Representative
Job functions Marketing
Job Seniority Non Management
80% from India are employed in Non Management
Current Industry Retail censoredcenso
Location India, West Bengal, Kolkata
Experience (tracked since 2022) ▪ censore experience at Soneji & Associates ▪ censore experience as Derivative & Index Trader
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Dhiraj Gupta's Work History
data available since 2022
(6 months) Soneji & Associates India Derivative & Index Trader
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Frequently asked questions
What company does Dhiraj Gupta work for? Dhiraj Gupta is working for Soneji & Associates
What is Dhiraj Gupta's title at Soneji & Associates? Dhiraj's title is , Derivative & Index Trader
What is Dhiraj Gupta's Seniority at Soneji & Associates? Dhiraj Gupta has been with Soneji & Associates for 6 months and is a normal employee
For how long is Dhiraj Gupta working as a Derivative & Index Trader? Dhiraj Gupta has 6 months experience as Derivative & Index Trader.
What are Dhiraj Gupta's functions as a Derivative & Index Trader ? Dhiraj Gupta is responsible for Marketincensore
What is Dhiraj Gupta's LinkedIn profile ? Dhiraj Gupta's LinkedIn profile can be found at***a-5a3a***
Who are Dhiraj Gupta's colleagues at Soneji & Associates? Some of Dhiraj Gupta's colleagues are Sudeep Karmakar, Saifu Shaikh, Mahesh Soneji.
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