LinkedIn PositionCâmara Dos Deputados Residence
Brazil, Federal District, Brasília Last updated2021-09-29 Remove my information
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What company does Diovany Anchieta work for? Diovany Anchieta is working for Câmara Dos Deputados
What is Diovany Anchieta's title at Câmara Dos Deputados? Diovany's title is , Assessor Parlamentar
What is Diovany Anchieta's Seniority at Câmara Dos Deputados? Diovany Anchieta has been with Câmara Dos Deputados for a few months and is a normal employee
For how long is Diovany Anchieta working as a Assessor Parlamentar? Diovany Anchieta has 6 months experience as Assessor Parlamentar.
What are Diovany Anchieta's functions as a Assessor Parlamentar ? Diovany Anchieta is responsible for Consulting, Researchcensoredcensoredc
Which education does Diovany Anchieta have? Diovany Anchieta has a Secondary-post degree from Fcensoredcensore.
Who are similar contacts like Diovany Anchieta ? Some similar contacts are Julia Baroni, Gilbelania Medeiros, Alex Silva, Wagner Lustosa, Mikhail Oliveira and Paula Sprocatti.
What is Diovany Anchieta's LinkedIn profile ? Diovany Anchieta's LinkedIn profile can be found at***anchieta-***
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