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Saudi Arabia, Al Madinah Province, Yanbu Al Bahr Last updated2024-07-05 Remove my information
LocationIndia , Tamil Nadu, Kurichi Website Company Sizecensoredcens Employees407 profiles available Last Updated2022-10-01
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Managers are responsible for leading teams toward meeting goals by setting objectives, implementing plans, delegating tasks and monitoring progress. Other job titles include Team Leader or Supervisor. Tap into our managers’ expertise to lead your team towards success by providing sound decision-making skills, effective communication techniques and clear expectations.
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Ehdaa Ahmed's current details
Current Title Management information system
Type of Role Manager
5% from Saudi Arabia work as a Manager
Job functions Operations
Job Seniority Lower Management
11% from Saudi Arabia are employed in Lower Management
Current Industry Informatiocensoredcensoredcens
Location Saudi Arabia, Al Madinah Province, Yanbu Al Bahr
Experience (tracked since 2023) ▪ censore experience at Sap Erp ▪ censore experience as Management information system
Work-life tracked since 2023 Ehdaa Ahmed had a total of X different roles since 2023
What company does Ehdaa Ahmed work for? Ehdaa Ahmed is working for Sap Erp
What is Ehdaa Ahmed's title at Sap Erp? Ehdaa's title is , Management information system
What is Ehdaa Ahmed's Seniority at Sap Erp? Ehdaa Ahmed has been with Sap Erp for 6 months and is in Lower Management
For how long is Ehdaa Ahmed working as a Management information system? Ehdaa Ahmed has 6 months experience as Management information system.
What are Ehdaa Ahmed's functions as a Management information system ? Ehdaa Ahmed is responsible for Operacenso
What is Ehdaa Ahmed's company phone number? Ehdaa Ahmed's company phone number is +91 99010 6****
What is Ehdaa Ahmed's LinkedIn profile ? Ehdaa Ahmed's LinkedIn profile can be found at***d-0850***
Who are Ehdaa Ahmed's colleagues at Sap Erp? Some of Ehdaa Ahmed's colleagues are Sara Alghamdi, Raghad Alshamrani, Ghadah Alsinani.
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