Contact directory profile

Harshavardhan Hegde

Medical Director Nova Orthopaedic & Spine Hospital
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Harshavardhan Hegde's Contact Information

LinkedIn URL -hegde-sor
Position Nova Orthopaedic & Spine Hospital
Residence India, Delhi, Delhi
Last updated 2018-04-12
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Directors provide strategic vision, leadership, planning and direction with regards to the organization's operations.
Other job titles include Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and President.
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Harshavardhan Hegde's current details

Current Title
Medical Director
Type of Role
 just 2.3% from India work as a Director
Job functions
Entrepreneurship, Healthcare Services and Operations
Job Seniority
Higher Management
  5% from India are employed in Higher Management
Current Industry
Clinic Healtcenso red censore dcensoredc
India, Delhi, Delhi
Experience (tracked since 1994)
▪ ce nsore experience as Medical Director
  128% more than average experience as Director in India
Work-life tracked since 1994
Harshavardhan Hegde had a total of X different roles since 1994

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Harshavardhan Hegde's Work History
data available since 1994

  • 2018 (6 months)
    Nova Orthopaedic & Spine Hospital
    Medical Director
    Clinic Healthcare and Patient Assistance
  • 20XX (7+ censo)
    Ncen soredcensor e dcens oredcens
    Mcensor edcensor
    Ccenso redcensore dce nsoredc ensoredcen
  • 20XX (7+ censo)
    Fcenso redcensore
    Dcensored censoredcens ore dcens oredcen
    Ccenso redcensore dce nsoredc ensoredcen care-lisor
  • 20XX (1+ censo)
    Acensor edcens oredcenso
    Sce nsoredcens o redc e nsoredcensor
    Ccenso redcensore dce nsoredc ensoredcen h-instsor
  • 20XX (1+ censo)
    Mce nsored censored
    Sce nsoredcens o redcensoredc
    Ccenso redcensore dce nsoredc ensoredcen thcsor
  • 20XX (1+ censo)
    Acenso redcensor edcensoredcen sored censoredc
    Hcen s ored ce nsoredcensor e dcensor edcensor
    Ccenso redcensore dce nsoredc ensoredcen ational-ltd.sor
  • 19XX (3+ censo)
    Bcensor edce nsoredc ensoredc
    Sce nsoredcens o redcensoredc e nsoredc ensoredcensore
    Ccenso redcensore dce nsoredc ensoredcen neral-hosor
  • 19XX (1+ censo)
    Ncensore dcensoredce nsored cen sored
    Scens oredce
    Ccenso redcensore dce nsoredc ensoredcen c-centre-nsor
  • 19XX (1+ censo)
    Scens oredcensor edcensor
    Fcenso re dcensoredcen
    Ccenso redcensore dce nsoredc ensoredcen onal-spinasor
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Harshavardhan Hegde's Professional Experience

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Harshavardhan Hegde's Education

  • - Baroda Medical College, The Maharace nsoredcen soredcenso re dcenso
    MS (Ocensor edcensoredce
  • - Baroda Medical censored cen soredce nsoredcen soredcenso re dcenso
  • - Rosary cens oredcen soredc
  • - The Maharcen soredcens oredcensor ed censor
    Icens oredcen
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Frequently asked questions

What company does Harshavardhan Hegde work for?
Harshavardhan Hegde is working for Nova Orthopaedic & Spine Hospital
What is Harshavardhan Hegde's title at Nova Orthopaedic & Spine Hospital?
Harshavardhan's title is , Medical Director
What is Harshavardhan Hegde's Seniority at Nova Orthopaedic & Spine Hospital?
Harshavardhan Hegde has been with Nova Orthopaedic & Spine Hospital for a few months and is in Higher Management
For how long is Harshavardhan Hegde working as a Medical Director?
Harshavardhan Hegde has 7+ years experience as Medical Director.
What are Harshavardhan Hegde's functions as a Medical Director ?
Harshavardhan Hegde is responsible for Entrepreneurship, Operaticens oredcensor edcensor
Which education does Harshavardhan Hegde have?
Harshavardhan Hegde has a Master degree from Bcenso redcens oredcens ore dcensore dcensored censoredce ns oredce.
Who are similar contacts like Harshavardhan Hegde ?
Some similar contacts are Gv Tush, Jigmi Singay, Gyanendra Tiwari, Gyanendra Sinha, Sanchita Haldar and Ravinder Aggarwal.
What is Harshavardhan Hegde's LinkedIn profile ?
Harshavardhan Hegde's LinkedIn profile can be found at***n-hegde-***

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