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Janina Tiu

Social Media Manager at My Mountain Mover
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Janina Tiu's Contact Information

LinkedIn URL 3523sor
Tel. (Company) +1 909-610-XXXX
Company My Mountain Mover
Residence Philippines
Last updated 2024-07-02
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Public Relations & Social Media Managers create campaigns across various media platforms in order to shape public perception of their organizations while boosting brand recognition within target audiences.
Other job titles include Communications Specialist or Digital Marketing Strategist.
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Janina Tiu's current details

Current Title
Social Media Manager
Type of Role
PR & Social Media Manager
Job functions
Information Technology, Media & Communications and Operations
Job Seniority
Lower Management
  12% from Philippines are employed in Lower Management
Current Industry
Public Relatioce nso redcensoredcen soredcenso
Experience (tracked since 2022)
▪ c ensore experience at My Mountain Mover
▪ c ensore experience as Social Media Manager
LinkedIn profile 3523sor

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Company "My Mountain Mover"

Company name
My Mountain Mover
Company size
censo redcens
Linkedin Profile in-mosor
United States, Oklahoma, Dewey
Full Company Profile
My Mountain Mover

Janina Tiu's Work History
data available since 2022

  • 2023 (6 months)
  • 20XX (6 censor)
    Mc ensoredc ensor
    Scenso redce nsoredc in-mosor
  • 20XX (a fce nsored)
    Ecens oredc
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Janina Tiu's Professional Experience

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Frequently asked questions

What company does Janina Tiu work for?
Janina Tiu is working for My Mountain Mover
What is Janina Tiu's title at My Mountain Mover?
Janina's title is , Social Media Manager
What is Janina Tiu's Seniority at My Mountain Mover?
Janina Tiu has been with My Mountain Mover for 6 months and is in Lower Management
For how long is Janina Tiu working as a Social Media Manager?
Janina Tiu has 6 months experience as Social Media Manager.
What are Janina Tiu's functions as a Social Media Manager ?
Janina Tiu is responsible for Information Technology, Operacensor edcen s oredcensoredce
What is Janina Tiu's company phone number?
Janina Tiu's company phone number is +1 909-610-****
What is Janina Tiu's LinkedIn profile ?
Janina Tiu's LinkedIn profile can be found at***-3523***
Who are Janina Tiu's colleagues at My Mountain Mover?
Some of Janina Tiu's colleagues are Dara Lapura, Madz Aspiras, John Laserna, Jennifer Dusohan, Arvin Santiago, Maria Talubo.

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