Contact directory profile

Jeff Luby

Market Manager and Applications Sales, CPI/Pharma North America at Nash
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Jeff Luby's Contact Information

Email (work) *********
LinkedIn URL 17b4sor
Company Nash
Residence unknown, Kansas, Mound Valley
Last updated 2024-06-12
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Jeff Luby's current details

Current Title
Market Manager and Applications Sales, CPI/Pharma North America
Type of Role
Sales Manager
Job functions
Information Technology, Operations and Sales
Job Seniority
Lower Management
Current Industry
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Techcensoredc ensored censored censoredcen soredcen sor edcensor edcensore dce nsored censo redcenso
unknown, Kansas, Mound Valley
Experience (tracked since 1997)
▪ c ensore experience at Nash
▪ ce nsore experience as Market Manager and Applications Sales, CPI/Pharma North America
Work-life tracked since 1997
Jeff Luby had a total of X different roles since 1997
Skills & Expertise
▪ Continuous Improvement
▪ Crcensoredcensor edce nsoredcens
▪ Ecensoredce
    12 more skills ...

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Company "Nash"

Company name
Company size
censo redcens
Year Founded
Linkedin Profile ociety-of-hsor
Industrial Field
Natural Healing, Alternative Medicine and Holistic Therapies
United States, Kansas, Mound Valley
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Jeff Luby's Work History
data available since 1997

  • 2024 (6 months)
    Market Manager and Applications Sales, CPI/Pharma North America
    Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Technologies
  • 20XX (3+ censo)
    Gcensor edcens ored
    Ucenso redcen
    Mcenso redcens ore dcensoredcen soredc ens oredc ensore densor
  • 20XX (3+ censo)
    Gcensor edcens ored
    Mcenso redcens ore dcensoredcen soredc ens oredc ensore
    Mcensoredc ens oredcensor edcensoredc ensoredcenso densor
  • 20XX (3+ censo)
    Gcensor edcens ored
    Ucenso redcen
    Mcenso redcens ore dcensoredcen soredc ens oredc ensore
    Mcensoredc ens oredcensor edcensoredc ensoredcenso densor
  • 20XX (7+ censo)
    Ucenso redcen
    Pcensor edcensoredce nsoredc
    Mcensoredc ens oredcensor edcensoredc ensoredcenso s-ssor
  • 20XX (7+ censo)
    Ucenso redcen
    Pcensor edcensoredce nsoredc
    Mcensoredc ens oredcensor edcensoredc ensoredcenso raphsor
  • 20XX (7+ censo)
    Ucenso redcen
    Pcensor edcensoredce nsoredc
    Mcensoredc ens oredcensor edcensoredc ensoredcenso s-ssor
  • 20XX (7+ censo)
    Ecensor edcensore dce nsoredce
    Ucenso redcen
    Pcensor edc ensoredcenso redcens o redcensor edcensoredcens ore dcensor edcens oredcen
    Mcensoredc ens oredcensor edcensoredc ensoredcenso s-ssor
  • 19XX (7+ censo)
    Ecensor edcens
    Ucenso redcen
    Scenso redcensoredc ensoredc
    Mcensoredc ens oredcensor edcensoredc ensoredcenso s-ssor
  • 19XX (1+ censo)
    Pcensor edcensoredce nsoredcens
    Ucenso redcen
    Mcensoredc ens oredcensor edcensoredc ensoredcenso
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Jeff Luby's Professional Experience

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Jeff Luby's Education

  • 19XX - 19XX - University of cen soredcens
    Activities and censoredce nsored censor edce nsor edcen soredce ns oredcen
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Frequently asked questions

What company does Jeff Luby work for?
Jeff Luby is working for Nash
What is Jeff Luby's title at Nash?
Jeff's title is , Market Manager and Applications Sales, CPI/Pharma North America
What is Jeff Luby's Seniority at Nash?
Jeff Luby has been with Nash for 6 months and is in Lower Management
For how long is Jeff Luby working as a Market Manager and Applications Sales, CPI/Pharma North America?
Jeff Luby has 3+ years experience as Market Manager and Applications Sales, CPI/Pharma North America.
What are Jeff Luby's functions as a Market Manager and Applications Sales, CPI/Pharma North America ?
Jeff Luby is responsible for Information Technologce nsored censoredce
What is Jeff Luby's email contact?
Jeff Luby's email address is *********
Which education does Jeff Luby have?
Jeff Luby has a Secondary-post degree from Ucensoredc en sor edcensore.
Who are similar contacts like Jeff Luby ?
Some similar contacts are Qaiser Ahmed, Miki Rancic, Tahel Shikma-avivi, Jonathan Bester, Adelina Didi and ???? ????.

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