What company does Jyothish C work for? Jyothish C is working for Kotak Mahindra Bank
What is Jyothish C's Seniority at Kotak Mahindra Bank? Jyothish C has been with Kotak Mahindra Bank for 6 months and is in Higher Management
For how long is Jyothish C working as a Deputy Manager? Jyothish C has 6 months experience as Deputy Manager.
What are Jyothish C's functions as a Deputy Manager ? Jyothish C is responsible for Administrativcensoredcens
Which education does Jyothish C have? Jyothish C has a Master degree from Ucensoredcensoredce.
Who are similar contacts like Jyothish C ? Some similar contacts are Karan Bakshi, Kesavan Thiruthiyil, Kk Purushothaman, Krishnanunni K, Kt Raghunath and Kuriachan Meleth.
What is Jyothish C's LinkedIn profile ? Jyothish C's LinkedIn profile can be found at https://linkedin.com/in/jyo***u-c-b7***
Who are Jyothish C's colleagues at Kotak Mahindra Bank? Some of Jyothish C's colleagues are Jambunathan Pichaimani, Shiju T.r, Ramakrishna Guda, Aruna Rao, Ashit Desai, Kushal Pathak.
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