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Karen Paola Santavruz Izaguirre

Soporte a Recursos Humanos at Punto Pen
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Karen Paola Santavruz Izaguirre's Contact Information

LinkedIn URL -izaguirresor
Company Punto Pen
Residence Mexico, Campeche, Mexico City
Last updated 2022-03-12
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HR Specialists recruit, interview and place employees, as well as handle employee relations, including support and disputes.
HR Specialists are also often labelled HR Assistants.
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Karen Izaguirre's current details

Current Title
Soporte a Recursos Humanos
Type of Role
HR Specialist
 just 0.6% from Mexico work as a HR Specialist
Job functions
Human Resources
Job Seniority
Non Management
  80% from Mexico are employed in Non Management
Current Industry
Advertisements, Marketing Strategcen sor edcensor edc ensor edcensore dcensoredcensor edcensoredc ens oredcens
Mexico, Campeche, Mexico City
Experience (tracked since 2018)
▪ c ensore experience at Punto Pen
▪ c ensore experience as Soporte a Recursos Humanos
LinkedIn profile -izaguirresor

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Company "Punto Pen"

Company name
Punto Pen
Company size
censo redcens
Year Founded
Linkedin Profile -psor
Industrial Field
Advertisements, Marketing Strategies and Branding
Mexico, Estado De México, Mexico City
Full Company Profile
Punto Pen

Karen Paola Santavruz Izaguirre's Work History
data available since 2018

  • 2018 (6 months)
    Punto Pen
    Soporte a Recursos Humanos
    Advertisements, Marketing Strategies and Branding
    Punto Pen
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Frequently asked questions

What company does Karen Izaguirre work for?
Karen Izaguirre is working for Punto Pen
What is Karen Izaguirre's title at Punto Pen?
Karen's title is , Soporte a Recursos Humanos
What is Karen Izaguirre's Seniority at Punto Pen?
Karen Izaguirre has been with Punto Pen for 6 months and is a normal employee
For how long is Karen Izaguirre working as a Soporte a Recursos Humanos?
Karen Izaguirre has 6 months experience as Soporte a Recursos Humanos.
What are Karen Izaguirre's functions as a Soporte a Recursos Humanos ?
Karen Izaguirre is responsible for Human Recensore
Who are similar contacts like Karen Izaguirre ?
Some similar contacts are Yunuen Archundia, Elizabeth Montaño, Brenda Torres, Esther H., Keren Gonzalez and Karla Azua.
What is Karen Izaguirre's LinkedIn profile ?
Karen Izaguirre's LinkedIn profile can be found at***z-izaguirre***
Who are Karen Izaguirre's colleagues at Punto Pen?
Some of Karen Izaguirre's colleagues are Human Engagement, Juan Velasco, Dulce Olivares, Georgina Garcia, Pen Marketing, Maritza Martinez.

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