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Katina Fears

Accounts Receivable Specialist at Specialty Orthopedic Group
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Katina Fears's Contact Information

LinkedIn URL s-756sor
Tel. (Company) +1 662-767-XXXX
Company Specialty Orthopedic Group
Residence United States, Mississippi, Tupelo
Last updated 2024-08-25
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Decision Makers at Specialty Orthopedic Group

1 Decision Makers at Specialty Orthopedic Group

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Katina Fears's current details

Current Title
Accounts Receivable Specialist
Type of Role
Financial Representative
 just 0.1% from United States work as a Financial Representative
Job functions
Accounting, Administrative and Finance
Job Seniority
Non Management
  74% from United States are employed in Non Management
Current Industry
Clinic Healthcare and Patient censoredce nso redcensor edcensore dcensore dce nsoredcens oredcenso
United States, Mississippi, Tupelo
Experience (tracked since 2003)
▪ c ensore experience at Specialty Orthopedic Group
▪ c ensore experience as Accounts Receivable Specialist
Work-life tracked since 2003
Katina Fears had a total of X different roles since 2003
Skills & Expertise
▪ Auditing
▪ Ccensore dcensor
▪ Dcen sored
    8 more skills ...

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Company "Specialty Orthopedic Group"

Company size
censo redcens
United States, Mississippi, Tupelo
Full Company Profile
Specialty Orthopedic Group

Katina Fears's Work History
data available since 2003

  • 2022 (6 months)
    Specialty Orthopedic Group
    United States
    Accounts Receivable Specialist
    Clinic Healthcare and Patient Assistance
    Specialty Orthopedic Group
  • 20XX (6 censor)
    Scensored censoredce nsore
    Ucenso redcen
    Acensore dcensoredc ensoredcen
    Ccenso redcensore dce nsoredc ensoredcen
  • 20XX (a fce nsored)
    Ucenso redcen
    Mcensor edcenso redce
    Ccenso redcensore dce nsoredc ensoredcen
  • 20XX (15c ensor)
    Mcensored ce nsoredce
    Ucenso redcen
    Mcensor edcenso redce
    Ccenso redcensore dce nsoredc ensoredcen f-pontsor
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Katina Fears's Professional Experience

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Katina Fears's Education

  • 20XX - 20XX - Rasmussen censore
    onlcen sored
  • - Houscen sore dcenso
  • - Houston cens oredcen sored ce nsor
  • - Houston cens oredcen sored ce nsor
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Frequently asked questions

What company does Katina Fears work for?
Katina Fears is working for Specialty Orthopedic Group
What is Katina Fears's title at Specialty Orthopedic Group?
Katina's title is , Accounts Receivable Specialist
What is Katina Fears's Seniority at Specialty Orthopedic Group?
Katina Fears has been with Specialty Orthopedic Group for 6 months and is a normal employee
For how long is Katina Fears working as a Accounts Receivable Specialist?
Katina Fears has 6 months experience as Accounts Receivable Specialist.
What are Katina Fears's functions as a Accounts Receivable Specialist ?
Katina Fears is responsible for Accounting, Financce nsoredcensored
What is Katina Fears's company phone number?
Katina Fears's company phone number is +1 662-767-****
Which education does Katina Fears have?
Katina Fears has a Secondary-post degree from Rcensored censore.
Who are similar contacts like Katina Fears ?
Some similar contacts are Sherry Smith, Veleka Flagg, Anisa Benson, Becky S., Rui Wang and Chelsea Ott.

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