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India, Maharashtra, Mumbai Last updated2024-08-23 Remove my information
LocationIndia Website Company Sizecensoredcens Employees52 profiles available Last Updated2019-11-09
Fashion Designers create clothing and accessories that fit current trends and styles. They must research fabrics, colors, and shapes to create unique garments. Other job titles include Clothing Designer and Costume Designer. Create fashionable clothing lines effortlessly by connecting with talented Fashion Designers through our services.
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Keri Ross's current details
Current Title Fashion design
Type of Role Fashion Designer
Job functions Arts and Design
Job Seniority Non Management
80% from India are employed in Non Management
Current Industry Fashion, censoredcensoredce
Location India, Maharashtra, Mumbai
Experience (tracked since 2021) ▪ censore experience at Svg Fashions Ltd. ▪ censore experience as Fashion design
What company does Keri Ross work for? Keri Ross is working for Svg Fashions Ltd.
What is Keri Ross's title at Svg Fashions Ltd.? Keri's title is , Fashion design
What is Keri Ross's Seniority at Svg Fashions Ltd.? Keri Ross has been with Svg Fashions Ltd. for 6 months and is a normal employee
For how long is Keri Ross working as a Fashion design? Keri Ross has 6 months experience as Fashion design.
What are Keri Ross's functions as a Fashion design ? Keri Ross is responsible for Arts and censor
What is Keri Ross's email contact? Keri Ross's email address is *********
What is Keri Ross's LinkedIn profile ? Keri Ross's LinkedIn profile can be found at***-97338***
Who are Keri Ross's colleagues at Svg Fashions Ltd.? Some of Keri Ross's colleagues are Shital Dhat, Sara Richardson, Ravi Patel, Amit Vasava, Namrata Patel, Yogesh Tare.
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