Contact directory profile

Leonardo Moisés Negrete González

Coordinador de proyectos at Patron Spirits Mexico
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Leonardo Moisés Negrete González's Contact Information

Email (work) *********
LinkedIn URL e-gonzálezsor
Tel. (Company) +1 702-262-XXXX
Company Patron Spirits Mexico
Residence Mexico, Jalisco, Guadalajara
Last updated 2023-10-21
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Coordinators oversee projects and tasks by coordinating personnel, activities, materials, schedules, budgets, and so forth.
Other job titles include Project Coordinator and Logistics Coordinator.
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Leonardo González's current details

Current Title
Coordinador de proyectos
Type of Role
 just 1.3% from Mexico work as a Coordinator
Job functions
Job Seniority
Non Management
  80% from Mexico are employed in Non Management
Current Industry
Food and Beverages Produccens ore dcensoredcen sor edcensore dcensored cen soredc
Mexico, Jalisco, Guadalajara
Experience (tracked since 2018)
▪ ce nsore experience at Patron Spirits Mexico
▪ c ensore experience as Coordinador de proyectos
Work-life tracked since 2018
Leonardo González had a total of X different roles since 2018

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Company "Patron Spirits Mexico"

Company name
Patron Spirits Mexico
Company size
censo redcens
Year Founded
Linkedin Profile osor
Industrial Field
Alcoholic Beverages and Drinks
United States, Nevada, Las Vegas
Full Company Profile
Patron Spirits Mexico

Leonardo Moisés Negrete González's Work History
data available since 2018

  • 2021 (6 months)
    Patron Spirits Mexico
    Coordinador de proyectos
    Food and Beverages Production and Distribution
    Patron Spirits Mexico
  • 20XX (3+ censo)
    Pcenso redcens oredce
    Icensored ce nsoredce n soredc ensoredce
    Fcen sor edcensore dcensoredc ens oredcensored osor
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Leonardo González's Professional Experience

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Frequently asked questions

What company does Leonardo González work for?
Leonardo González is working for Patron Spirits Mexico
What is Leonardo González's title at Patron Spirits Mexico?
Leonardo's title is , Coordinador de proyectos
What is Leonardo González's Seniority at Patron Spirits Mexico?
Leonardo González has been with Patron Spirits Mexico for 3+ years and is a normal employee
For how long is Leonardo González working as a Coordinador de proyectos?
Leonardo González has 6 months experience as Coordinador de proyectos.
What are Leonardo González's functions as a Coordinador de proyectos ?
Leonardo González is responsible for Administrativce nsoredcens
What is Leonardo González's company phone number?
Leonardo González's company phone number is +1 702-262-****
What is Leonardo González's email contact?
Leonardo González's email address is *********
Who are similar contacts like Leonardo González ?
Some similar contacts are Javier Alvarado, LUIS ARTURO RAMIREZ Luís Arturo Ramírez Lomelí, Mary Serrano, Alejandro Arreola, Cecilia Losano and Productos Cv.

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