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India, Karnataka, Bengaluru Last updated2022-11-16 Remove my information
LocationIndia , Maharashtra, Pune Website Company Sizecensoredcens Employees251 profiles available Last Updated2019-12-21
Artists use an array of materials to create unique works of art for a variety of media. Artists may be characterized by the specific materials they use to create art, for example, Painters, Sculptors and Illustrators. Contact professional Artists to work on your projects via e-mail or phone with our services.
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Magesh N's current details
Current Title Senior Prep Artist
Type of Role Artist
Job functions Arts and Design
Job Seniority Non Management
80% from India are employed in Non Management
Current Industry Entertainment, Podcasts, Media, and Publcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensored
Location India, Karnataka, Bengaluru
Experience (tracked since 2018) ▪ censore experience at Philm Cgi ▪ censore experience as Senior Prep Artist
1438% more than average experience as Artist in India
What company does Magesh N work for? Magesh N is working for Philm Cgi
What is Magesh N's title at Philm Cgi? Magesh's title is , Senior Prep Artist
What is Magesh N's Seniority at Philm Cgi? Magesh N has been with Philm Cgi for 6 months and is a normal employee
For how long is Magesh N working as a Senior Prep Artist? Magesh N has 3+ years experience as Senior Prep Artist.
What are Magesh N's functions as a Senior Prep Artist ? Magesh N is responsible for Arts and censor
What is Magesh N's company phone number? Magesh N's company phone number is +91 20 6500 ****
Who are similar contacts like Magesh N ? Some similar contacts are Preetish Jayarajan, Hareesh Pola, Proxy Joy, Barath Murali, Ralph Daniels and Arti. D.
What is Magesh N's LinkedIn profile ? Magesh N's LinkedIn profile can be found at***-3941***
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