Contact directory profile

Marco Gatti

CFO at Coster Group
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Marco Gatti's Contact Information

Email (work) ***********
LinkedIn URL -336sor
Company Coster Group
Residence Italy, Lombardia, Milano
Last updated 2023-09-19
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Chief Financial Officers manage all financial aspects of their organization, such as budgeting, tax compliance and investments.
Also referred to as CFO or Finance Director.
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Marco Gatti's current details

Current Title
Type of Role
Chief Financial Officer
 just 0.1% from Italy work as a Chief Financial Officer
Job functions
Job Seniority
Higher Management
  just 3% from Italy are employed in Higher Management
Current Industry
Makeup Artistry, Beauty Products cen soredcens oredcensoredc ens oredcensor edc ensoredc ensoredcens oredcenso
Italy, Lombardia, Milano
Experience (tracked since 1998)
▪ c ensore experience at Coster Group
▪ ce nsore experience as CFO
  68% more than average experience as Chief Financial Officer in Italy
Work-life tracked since 1998
Marco Gatti had a total of X different roles since 1998

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Company "Coster Group"

Company name
Coster Group
Company size
censo redcens
Year Founded
Linkedin Profile e-elettrsor
Industrial Field
Automation and Robotics Engineering Solutions
Italy, Lombardia, Milano
Full Company Profile
Coster Group

Marco Gatti's Work History
data available since 1998

  • 2018 (6 months)
    Coster Group
    Makeup Artistry, Beauty Products and Cosmetics Manufacturing
    Coster Group
  • 20XX (7+ censo)
    Ccenso red
    Mcenso redcensor edcens oredcens ore dcensored censoredcenso s-p-sor
  • 20XX (3+ censo)
    Ccensored censo
    Mcenso redcensor edcens oredcens ore dcensored censoredcenso avsor
  • 20XX (1+ censo)
    Gcenso red
    Fcensored censoredce n soredc ensoredc
    Mcenso redcensor edcens oredcens ore dcensored censoredcenso
  • 20XX (3+ censo)
    Gcens oredcens ore
    Gcens oredcensor
    Mcenso redcensor edcens oredcens ore dcensored censoredcenso res-s.sor
  • 19XX (3+ censo)
    Ecenso red
    Ccensoredc ensoredce nsoredc ensoredce
    Mcenso redcensor edcens oredcens ore dcensored censoredcenso -ssor
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Marco Gatti's Professional Experience

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Marco Gatti's Education

  • 19XX - 19XX - Univesità Bocens oredcen
    Laurea, censored censoredcensoredcenso
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Frequently asked questions

What company does Marco Gatti work for?
Marco Gatti is working for Coster Group
What is Marco Gatti's title at Coster Group?
Marco's title is , CFO
What is Marco Gatti's Seniority at Coster Group?
Marco Gatti has been with Coster Group for 6 months and is in Higher Management
For how long is Marco Gatti working as a CFO?
Marco Gatti has 7+ years experience as CFO.
What are Marco Gatti's functions as a CFO ?
Marco Gatti is responsible for Operacenso
What is Marco Gatti's email contact?
Marco Gatti's email address is ***********
Which education does Marco Gatti have?
Marco Gatti has a Bachelor degree from Ucensored censore dcenso.
Who are similar contacts like Marco Gatti ?
Some similar contacts are Alessandro Pipolo, Enzo Refolo, Gianluca Gare, Vincenzo Laurora, Andrea Mormone and Marco Mariani.

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