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Maurizio Serpetti

Key Account Manager at Dimac Red SRL
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Maurizio Serpetti's Contact Information

Email (work) **********
LinkedIn URL tti-50sor
Company Dimac Red SRL
Residence Italy, Lombardia, Milano
Last updated 2023-05-10
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Account Managers are responsible for managing the relationships between their company and its clients or customers.
Also known as Client Relations Manager or Customer Service Manager.
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Maurizio Serpetti's current details

Current Title
Key Account Manager
Type of Role
Account Manager
 just 0.4% from Italy work as a Account Manager
Job functions
Operations, Sales and Support
Job Seniority
Lower Management
  8% from Italy are employed in Lower Management
Current Industry
Electronic Manufacturing Services, EMS, and PCB censoredc ensoredc ensoredce nso redce nsoredcenso red censoredc ensoredce nsoredce nso redcensore dcensored
Italy, Lombardia, Milano
Experience (tracked since 1982)
▪ ce nsore experience at Dimac Red SRL
▪ ce nsore experience as Key Account Manager
  118% more than average experience as Account Manager in Italy
Work-life tracked since 1982
Maurizio Serpetti had a total of X different roles since 1982
Skills & Expertise
▪ Business Development
▪ Bucensor edcensor
▪ Cocensoredc ensoredc
    18 more skills ...
Hobbies & Interests
▪ Air Traffic Control
▪ Armc ensoredce nsoredcensoredce ns ored censo
▪ Emcensore dcen soredcen
    9 more skills ...

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Company "Dimac Red SRL"

Company name
Dimac Red SRL
Company size
censo redcens
Year Founded
Linkedin Profile ed-ssor
Industrial Field
Defense, Aerospace and Space Exploration
Italy, Lombardia, Biassono
Full Company Profile
Dimac Red SRL

Maurizio Serpetti's Work History
data available since 1982

  • 2022 (6 months)
    Dimac Red SRL
    Key Account Manager
    Electronic Manufacturing Services, EMS, and PCB Assembly
    Dimac Red SRL
  • 20XX (7+ censo)
    Dcens ore dce
    Ecensoredc ensoredcensor edcensore dcen sor edc ensoredc ed-ssor
  • 20XX (3+ censo)
    Dcens ore dce
    Kce nsoredc ensored
    Ecensoredc ensoredcensor edcensore dcen sor edc ensoredc ed-ssor
  • 20XX (7+ censo)
    Dcens ore dce
    Ecensoredc ensoredcensor edcensore dcen sor edc ensoredc ed-ssor
  • 20XX (3+ censo)
    Pcens oredce nso
    Kce nsoredc ensored cen sored censoredcensor edc ensor edc en
    Ecensoredc ensoredcensor edcensore dcen sor edc ensoredc rwaysor
  • 20XX (3+ censo)
    Pcens ore dcen
    Scensored censore dcensor
    Ecensoredc ensoredcensor edcensore dcen sor edc ensoredc
  • 19XX (7+ censo)
    Mcensor edc ensored censo redcen
    Fcens oredc ensoredc ens oredcens oredcensore
    Ecensoredc ensoredcensor edcensore dcen sor edc ensoredc
  • 19XX (3+ censo)
    Scensoredc ens ore
    Fcens oredc ensoredc
    Ecensoredc ensoredcensor edcensore dcen sor edc ensoredc
  • 19XX (1+ censo)
    Scen soredcen
    Ccensore dcensor edce nsor edce nsoredce
    Ecensoredc ensoredcensor edcensore dcen sor edc ensoredc
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Maurizio Serpetti's Professional Experience

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Maurizio Serpetti's Education

  • 19XX - 19XX - ITIS censo
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Frequently asked questions

What company does Maurizio Serpetti work for?
Maurizio Serpetti is working for Dimac Red SRL
What is Maurizio Serpetti's title at Dimac Red SRL?
Maurizio's title is , Key Account Manager
What is Maurizio Serpetti's Seniority at Dimac Red SRL?
Maurizio Serpetti has been with Dimac Red SRL for 7+ years and is in Lower Management
For how long is Maurizio Serpetti working as a Key Account Manager?
Maurizio Serpetti has 7+ years experience as Key Account Manager.
What are Maurizio Serpetti's functions as a Key Account Manager ?
Maurizio Serpetti is responsible for Operations, Scensore dcens
What is Maurizio Serpetti's email contact?
Maurizio Serpetti's email address is **********
Which education does Maurizio Serpetti have?
Maurizio Serpetti has a Bachelor degree from Icen sored.
What is Maurizio Serpetti's LinkedIn profile ?
Maurizio Serpetti's LinkedIn profile can be found at***etti-50***

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