LocationCanada , Ontario, Waterloo Websitehttp://www.foxnetsolutions.com Company Sizecensoredcens Employees53 profiles available Last Updated2021-02-01
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Mega ServiÇos's current details
Current Title Consultor de tecnologia da informação
Type of Role Technologist
just 0.2% from Brazil work as a Technologist
Job functions Consulting
Job Seniority Non Management
88% from Brazil are employed in Non Management
Current Industry Informatiocensoredcensoredcens
Location Brazil, Ceará, Pacatuba
Experience (tracked since 2017) ▪ censore experience at Foxnet ▪ censore experience as Consultor de tecnologia da informação
194% more than average experience as Technologist in Brazil
Mega ServiÇos's Work History
data available since 2017
(6 months) Foxnet Brazil Consultor de tecnologia da informação Information Technology Solutions Foxnet https://linkedin.com/company/foxnet
(a fcensored) Bcenso Ccensoredcensoredcensoredc Icensoredcensoredcensoredcenso
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Frequently asked questions
What company does Mega ServiÇos work for? Mega ServiÇos is working for Foxnet
What is Mega ServiÇos's title at Foxnet? Mega's title is , Consultor de tecnologia da informação
What is Mega ServiÇos's Seniority at Foxnet? Mega ServiÇos has been with Foxnet for 6 months and is a normal employee
For how long is Mega ServiÇos working as a Consultor de tecnologia da informação? Mega ServiÇos has 3+ years experience as Consultor de tecnologia da informação.
What are Mega ServiÇos's functions as a Consultor de tecnologia da informação ? Mega ServiÇos is responsible for Consulting, Healcensoredcensor
What is Mega ServiÇos's company phone number? Mega ServiÇos's company phone number is +1 519-886-****
What is Mega ServiÇos's email contact? Mega ServiÇos's email address is ****@foxnetsolutions.com
Who are similar contacts like Mega ServiÇos ? Some similar contacts are Fabiano Sousa, Luiz Oliveira, Rômulo Carvalho, Cleiton Moreira, Sávio Ventura and Julio Cavalcante.
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