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United Kingdom, England, Darlington Last updated2023-12-22 Remove my information
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Meika Manghan's current details
Job Seniority Non Management
71% from United Kingdom are employed in Non Management
Current Industry Utility Services and censoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredce
Location United Kingdom, England, Darlington
Experience (tracked since 1990) ▪ censored experience at Balfour Beatty Power T&d ▪ censore experience as
Work-life tracked since 1990 Meika Manghan had a total of X different roles since 1990
Meika Manghan's Work History
data available since 1990
(6 months) Balfour Beatty Power T&d United Kingdom Balfour Beatty Power T&D Utility Services Balfour Beatty Power T&d
20XX - 19XX - Haughton Comprecensoredcenso GCE English C
CSE Typing 1
19XX - 19XX - Darlingtocensoredcensoredcensoredcens RSA II Tcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcens
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Frequently asked questions
What company does Meika Manghan work for? Meika Manghan is working for Balfour Beatty Power T&d
What is Meika Manghan's Seniority at Balfour Beatty Power T&d? Meika Manghan has been with Balfour Beatty Power T&d for 15+ years and is a normal employee
What is Meika Manghan's company phone number? Meika Manghan's company phone number is +44 1332 66****
What is Meika Manghan's email contact? Meika Manghan's email address is *************
Which education does Meika Manghan have? Meika Manghan has a Secondary-post degree from Dcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcens.
What is Meika Manghan's LinkedIn profile ? Meika Manghan's LinkedIn profile can be found at***an-4788***
Who are Meika Manghan's colleagues at Balfour Beatty Power T&d? Some of Meika Manghan's colleagues are Derek Gilleeney, David Cookson, Murray Easton, Ken Eeles, Jonathan Davies, Graham Ellis.
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