Contact directory profile

Michael Mason

Maintenace Planner at Mandalay Resources
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Michael Mason's Contact Information

Email (work) *******
LinkedIn URL n-948sor
Company Mandalay Resources
Residence Australia, Victoria, Bendigo
Last updated 2023-07-22
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Michael Mason's current details

Current Title
Maintenace Planner
Type of Role
Maintenance and Repair Worker
 just 0.2% from Australia work as a Maintenance and Repair Worker
Job functions
Administrative, Sales and Manufacturing
Job Seniority
Non Management
  72% from Australia are employed in Non Management
Current Industry
Mining, Metallurgy and Resource Extraction, censoredcensor edcensore dcenso red censoredce nso redcenso redcensoredce nsoredcensor edc ensore
Australia, Victoria, Bendigo
Experience (tracked since 1993)
▪ c ensore experience at Mandalay Resources
▪ ce nsore experience as Maintenace Planner
  472% more than average experience as Maintenance and Repair Worker in Australia
LinkedIn profile n-948sor
Skills & Expertise
▪ Gold
▪ Macensoredc ensoredcen
▪ Micenso redcensore
    2 more skills ...

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Company "Mandalay Resources"

Company name
Mandalay Resources
Company size
censo redcens
Stock Symbol
Linkedin Profile rces-sor
Industrial Field
Entertainment, Podcasts, Media, and Publishing
United States, Indiana, Indianapolis
Full Company Profile
Mandalay Resources

Michael Mason's Work History
data available since 1993

  • 2018 (6 months)
    Mandalay Resources
    Maintenace Planner
    Mining, Metallurgy and Resource Extraction
    Mandalay Resources
  • 20XX (15c ensor)
    Mcensore dcensored
    Mcensoredc ensored
    Mcensor edcensored cen soredcen soredcenso rces-sor
  • 20XX (6 censor)
    Bcensor edcens
    Mcensoredce nsoredc
    Mcensor edcensored cen soredcen soredcenso minsor
  • 19XX (7+ censo)
    Ecenso redcen
    Mcensoredce nsoredc
    Mcensor edcensored cen soredcen soredcenso
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Michael Mason's Professional Experience

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Michael Mason's Education

  • 19XX - 19XX - Bendigo Senioc enso redcen
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Frequently asked questions

What company does Michael Mason work for?
Michael Mason is working for Mandalay Resources
What is Michael Mason's title at Mandalay Resources?
Michael's title is , Maintenace Planner
What is Michael Mason's Seniority at Mandalay Resources?
Michael Mason has been with Mandalay Resources for 6 months and is a normal employee
For how long is Michael Mason working as a Maintenace Planner?
Michael Mason has 7+ years experience as Maintenace Planner.
What are Michael Mason's functions as a Maintenace Planner ?
Michael Mason is responsible for Administrative, Macensoredcens oredc
What is Michael Mason's email contact?
Michael Mason's email address is *******
Which education does Michael Mason have?
Michael Mason has a Secondary-post degree from Bcensor edcens ored censor.
Who are similar contacts like Michael Mason ?
Some similar contacts are Iain Aitken, Gary Osborne, Debbie Ward, Jeffrey Barton, Richard Pimblott and Jodie Burton.

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