Email (work)******** LinkedIn Tel. (Company)+1 416-487-XXXX CompanyShoppers Drug Mart Residence
Canada, Ontario, Pembroke Last updated2022-05-23 Remove my information
LocationCanada , Ontario, Toronto Website Company Sizecensoredcens Employees27097 profiles available Last Updated2024-08-05
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Pharmacists dispense medications, determine possible drug interactions, administer immunizations and ensure patients are receiving appropriate treatment plans. Connect with Pharmacists instantly using our database, with verified e-mail addresses and phone numbers at your fingertips.
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Michelle Gervais's current details
Current Title Pharmacy Assistant
Type of Role Pharmacist
just 0.1% from Canada work as a Pharmacist
Job functions Administrative, Healthcare Services and Assistance
Job Seniority Non Management
76% from Canada are employed in Non Management
Current Industry Retail Trade Services censoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredce
Location Canada, Ontario, Pembroke
Experience (tracked since 2018) ▪ censore experience at Shoppers Drug Mart ▪ censore experience as Pharmacy Assistant
Michelle Gervais's Work History
data available since 2018
(6 months) Shoppers Drug Mart Canada Pharmacy Assistant Retail Trade Services Shoppers Drug Mart
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Michelle Gervais's Professional Experience
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Frequently asked questions
What company does Michelle Gervais work for? Michelle Gervais is working for Shoppers Drug Mart
What is Michelle Gervais's title at Shoppers Drug Mart? Michelle's title is , Pharmacy Assistant
What is Michelle Gervais's Seniority at Shoppers Drug Mart? Michelle Gervais has been with Shoppers Drug Mart for 6 months and is a normal employee
For how long is Michelle Gervais working as a Pharmacy Assistant? Michelle Gervais has 6 months experience as Pharmacy Assistant.
What are Michelle Gervais's functions as a Pharmacy Assistant ? Michelle Gervais is responsible for Administrative, Assistancensoredcensoredcenso
What is Michelle Gervais's company phone number? Michelle Gervais's company phone number is +1 416-487-****
What is Michelle Gervais's email contact? Michelle Gervais's email address is ********
Who are similar contacts like Michelle Gervais ? Some similar contacts are Penny Tompkins, Susan Nuttall, Anna Iaccio, Shirley Parker, Johnny Wang and Ht Takla.
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