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Mexico, Estado de México, Tlalnepantla de Baz Last updated2022-10-02 Remove my information
LocationUruguay , Montevideo, Montevideo Website Company Sizecensoredcens Employees22920 profiles available Last Updated2020-10-18
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Nelly López's current details
Current Title Mtra. En Derecho Corporativo
Type of Role Lawyer
just 0.5% from Mexico work as a Lawyer
Job functions Legal
Job Seniority Non Management
80% from Mexico are employed in Non Management
Current Industry Telecommunications Sercensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcensoredcens
Location Mexico, Estado de México, Tlalnepantla de Baz
Experience (tracked since 2021) ▪ censore experience at Profesional ▪ censore experience as Mtra. En Derecho Corporativo
What company does Nelly López work for? Nelly López is working for Profesional
What is Nelly López's title at Profesional? Nelly's title is , Mtra. En Derecho Corporativo
What is Nelly López's Seniority at Profesional? Nelly López has been with Profesional for 6 months and is a normal employee
For how long is Nelly López working as a Mtra. En Derecho Corporativo? Nelly López has 6 months experience as Mtra. En Derecho Corporativo.
What are Nelly López's functions as a Mtra. En Derecho Corporativo ? Nelly López is responsible for Legce
What is Nelly López's email contact? Nelly López's email address is ******
What is Nelly López's LinkedIn profile ? Nelly López's LinkedIn profile can be found at***z-0671***
Who are Nelly López's colleagues at Profesional? Some of Nelly López's colleagues are Jul Witrado, Claudia Díaz, Ángel Terán, Baldemar Camacho, Zaira Rojas, Ana Magaña.
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